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ListingPro - WordPress Directory & Listing Theme

ListingPro - WordPress Directory & Listing Theme 2.9.5 NULLED

30th Aug 2024 | Version 2.9.5

Fixed- Vulnerability issues
Fixed- Banner with map issue on mobile.
Fixed- Locations as banner taxonomies on map banner style
Fixed- Enable to display Email on Listing Details Page
Fixed- Layout break in Listing posts element
Fixed- Layout break on archive page
Fixed- Help tooltip on submit listing page in mobile
Fixed- LP Listings By (location/category) in WPBakery
Fixed- Location appears twice in where dropdown on search page
Fixed- Categories pin in map banner style
Fixed- Fatal error on update profile page
Fixed- Save listing
Fixed- Form fields were not clickable on edit listing page
Added- Lead form reply message order in inbox
6th Aug 2024 | Version 2.9.4
Fixed- Vulnerability issues
Fixed- Fonts issue for classic2 demo
Fixed- Business Logo issue on Edit Listing page
Fixed- Banner Image Issue
Fixed- Image menu display issue on mobile
Fixed- Author Avatar display issue
Added- Loader image Alt tag
Fixed- Typo mistakes
Fixed- PHP latest version warnings and errors
Improved- Large data set loading issue
Fixed- Claim now button issue on mobile
Added- Validation cheks added for functions
Fixed- Select Feature title issue
Fixed- On archive page using mobile next page display issue
Fixed- Leads not recieving in inbox issue
Fixed- Gallery Image display issue with slider style 4
Fixed- WPBakery activation issue with Home page and pages created with Elementor
Fixed- listings repeated on author page
Fixed- Search filter issue
Fixed- Day off issue on listing detail page
Fixed- Custom fields didn't display on admin dashboard
Fixed- Email didn't sent on listing expiry
Fixed- Email address didn't display on listing detail page style 5
Fixed- Nearby Widget Issue
Fixed- Social links issue on listing detail page
Fixed- Sidebar issue on blog detail page
Fixed- Twitter logo update
Fixed- Features issue
Fixed- Parent- child location issue on search result page
Fixed- Category icons display issue on grid
Fixed- Business logo issue on listing detail page style 5
Fixed- Listing detail page loading issue (geolocation)
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
2nd Feb 2024 | Version 2.9.2
* New: Compatibility with PHP 8.2
* New: Welcome Email Template upon Setup
* New: Updated WPBakery
* New: Updated Redux Framework
* Fixed: Few Warnings
* Fixed: Auto page Recreation issue.
* Fixed: Package issue (When the package is completed it disappears from packages.)
* Fixed: Unable to display more reviews on the app view detail page.
* Fixed: Categories icons are not showing on the app view banner.
* Fixed: Reviews are not updating from the user dashboard.
* Fixed: The address is not showing on the detail page in the app view.
* Fixed: In Albanian Language Thursday and Friday days are not showing on the detail page.
* Fixed: Description quick tip not showing on the submit listing page
* Fixed: Fatal Error When only theme is activated.
* Fixed: Fatal error when we switch ListingPro Theme without deactivating the plugins.
* Fixed: Child Categories are not showing in the Style 1 Banner.
* Fixed: Custom fields are not showing on the lead form in-app view
* Fixed: Get Direction issue in Mobile on Detail Page.
* Fixed: The plugin setup screen is not displaying properly when we run the setup wizard again.
* Fixed: Reviews Show 5.0.0 instead of 5.0 on the detail page.
* Fixed: If we select Homepage in-app view for Home it shows an error of redirect too many times
* Fixed: Stripe object Payment issue with the Ads Payment.
* Fixed: Homepage button color issue.
* Fixed: Pricing Plan image size is not working while adding listings.
* Fixed: Business Hours issue on Safari Browser.
* Fixed: Unable to click on the Street View Icon in Google Maps on the Archive Page
* Fixed: Satellite Button is not clickable on Archive Page
* Fixed: Header Search Dropdown overlays with the top bar.
* Fixed: The listing layout is disturbed in the Elementor Listings Posts element.
* Fixed: If we import demo with Elementor, edit listing and Checkout page not imported with Elementor.
* Fixed: Select dropdown form field default selection in backend edit listing.
* Tweaks: Improve Setup Process
* Tweaks: Add placeholder text in many fields.
* Tweaks: XML File updated.
* Tweaks: Claim now and Report now button colors in Classic 2.
* Tweaks: Pot language file updated
* Tweaks: Twitter icon is now X
13th Sep 2023 | Version 2.9.1

Fixed: Elementor Compatibility Issue
1st Sep 2023 | Version 2.9

Added: ListingPro Classic 2 (New! Version of Classic Demo)
Added: CubeWP Forms integration for Contact Us page form only
Added: Font Awesome icons integration for categories icons over map and search
Added: Child Categories added in by default search dropdown
Added: Translation updated for new strings
Fixed: Categories without listing count don't show in multi rating selection in admin dashboard
Fixed: Search icon displayed twice in mobile search/archive page
Fixed: Filters display in search/Archive Page
Fixed: Listing Details Page Map issue fixed in app view
Fixed: Typo mistakes in demo content
Fixed: Several minor UI/UX issues through out the product.
Tweaks: CSS/Images updated
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
15th June 2023 | Version 2.8

Added: New Checkout for Stripe
Added: Business Logo add option for all listing detail styles
Added: Fontawesome 5 Compatibility
Added: Option to display Taxonomy description
Added: Display footer in App view
Added: Option to display Email Address on Listing detail page
Added: Element to display coupons
Added: Element to display Announcements
Added: Element to display popular Listings
Added: Shortcode for Search bar
Added: Option to add logo and change color options for App view
Added: option to set form fields as required in FES builder
Added: Option to set invoice start No.
Added: Option to Import Form fields with Listings
Added: Export Listings option
Fixed: Filter issue with custom fields
Fixed: Coupon not applied while tax disabled
Fixed: Feature Image from gallery issue in list view and app view
Fixed: Ads activation Email Issue
Fixed: User Dashboard Stats issue
Fixed: Design issues and Typos in demo content
Improved: App view 2 Category slider
Tweaks: CSS, Images updated
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
22nd Mar 2023 | Version 2.7.5

Fixed: Review images are not showing on the pagination
Fixed: Package is not showing activated with 100% coupon with stripe and PayPal
Fixed: Invoice is not generating with 100% coupon with PayPal
Fixed: Pagination is not showing on the first load on the archive page
Fixed: Pagination number goes to detail page on archive style 2
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
7th Mar 2023 | Version 2.7.4

Added: A chat widget option is added for the admin
Fixed: Changes in the Welcome Email Template
Tweaks: Minor UI/UX improvements
Tweaks: Minor bug fixes
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
8th Nov 2022 | Version 2.7.3
Fixed: Search bar not showing on the banner after demo import
Fixed: Claimed Listing Element showing incorrect Listings
Fixed: Issue with Business hours
Fixed: Warning in Theme Options in MAP field
Fixed: Form fields issue on submit page style 2
Fixed: Recurring option showing on claim checkout
Fixed: Typos changes in Theme Options
Fixed: Demo import issue with Restaurant demo with WPBakery
Fixed: Map pin not showing on the archive page style 4 while click on the direction button
Tweaks: Warnings due to PHP latest version