• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.

v5.2.0 (09/12/2023)​

New Features​

  • Sync and map person fields with Joomla user custom fields


  • SwiftDigital Integration Endpoint API url updated [Mailing Integration]


  • user status color not displayed [Users status list]
  • many issues related to the new users and teams management views
  • quotes should not be added on activities values
  • wrong user login history info in modal
  • make sure to delete old views that avoid conflict with new views
  • language file issues [Joomla 4.4.1 & 5.0.1]
  • some php warnings in import controller