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GreenShift All in One

GreenShift All in One 9.1.2 NULLED


  • Fix: Improved specificity for global Elements in Stylebook


  • Added: Global Class creation from Stylebook
  • Fix: Gradient for slider and vimeo lightbox
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Reactions: MarkDragon


  • Fix: Slider images in scenarios when you use it in FSE templates + slider link bug.
  • Added: New FSE templates section in Library
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Reactions: MarkDragon


  • Added: New Bulk stretch and align option for inner items for CSS grid builder
  • Fix: Accordion inner items background issue
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Reactions: MarkDragon


  • Added: some improvements for Blocksy theme 2.0


  • Added: Local class can be limited to style element only in Editor or only on Frontend. It’s useful for cases when you build custom effects when element is hidden by default. You can set to be hidden only on frontend while you can continue to edit it in editor
  • Added: Interaction panel has Action for Slide to specific slider for Advanced Slider block
  • Added: Css transform panel has separate delay transition option for initial, hover and active state
  • Added: Local classes can overwrite default position and spacing in Columns and Containers
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH


  • Reverted: Typography presets are reverted back. Please note that it’s temporal restoring and will be removed in month, you need to migrate presets to new Variable or class system
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH


  • Added: Option to remove element styles in Stylebook
  • Added: Option to set custom variables in unit controlled fields
  • Fix: Slider fix for scenarios when slider is in flexbox
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
= 6.7 =
* Added: Ken Burns quick effect panel for Slider block
* Added: Options to control design of scrollbar in Smart scroll feature
* Added: css transition added automatically if it's empty while adding css transform values
* Added: Dynamic button label placeholders
* Added: Icon transition effects for Button
* Fix: column gap for mobiles
* Fix: custom z index for popup
* Fix: Video dynamic url doesn't require fallback
* Change: Breaking change in Container structure + fix for Firefox bug in Flipbox
* Fix: Selection bug in List block
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH