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GravityView + Addons

GravityView + Addons 2.23 NULLED

= 2.23 on May 17, 2024 =

This update adds support for Nested Forms' entry meta, addresses several bugs, including critical ones, and improves GravityKit's Settings and Manage Your Kit screens.

#### 🚀 Added
* Support for Gravity Wiz's Gravity Forms Nested Forms entry meta (parent form and entry IDs, child form field ID) in the View editor and merge tags.

#### ✨ Improved
* The "Add All Fields" button in the View editor now adds fields in their correct form order.

#### 🐛 Fixed
* Export link View widget would cause a fatal error during multi-word searches.
* Fatal error when the search bar is configured with a Gravity Flow field and the Gravity Flow plugin is not active.
* Duplicating entries no longer fails to refresh the entry list when View-based caching is enabled.
* View cache not being invalidated when updating entries on a form joined using the Multiple Forms extension.
* Number field output now respects the form field's format settings, such as decimals and currency.

#### 🔧 Updated
* [Foundation](https://www.gravitykit.com/foundation/) to version 1.2.14.
- Added an option to subscribe to GravityKit's newsletter from the Manage Your Kit screen.
- Added a setting in GravityKit > Settings > GravityKit to specify the GravityKit menu position in the Dashboard.
- Improved internal check for product updates that could still interfere with third-party plugin updates. Thanks, Aaron!
- Fixed a bug that prevented WordPress from loading third-party plugin translations after their updates. Thanks, Jérôme!
- Success message now shows correct product name after activation/deactivation.
= 2.19.6 on February 7, 2024 =

This update introduces the ability to send notifications using Gravity Forms when an entry is deleted, improves sorting and survey field ratings, and updates key components for better performance and compatibility.

#### 🚀 Added
* Ability to send notifications using Gravity Forms when an entry is deleted by selecting the "GravityView - Entry is deleted" event from the event dropdown in Gravity Forms notifications settings.

#### 🔧 Updated
* [Foundation](https://www.gravitykit.com/foundation/) and [TrustedLogin](https://www.trustedlogin.com/) to versions 1.2.8 and 1.7.0, respectively.
- Transients are now set and retrieved correctly when using object cache plugins.
- Fixed a JavaScript warning that occurred when deactivating license keys and when viewing products without the necessary permissions.
- Resolved PHP warning messages on the Plugins page.

#### 🐛 Fixed
* Sorting the View by entry ID in ascending and descending order would yield the same result.
* Survey fields without a rating would show a 1-star rating.
* Editing Gravity Forms [Custom Post Fields](https://docs.gravityforms.com/post-custom/#h-general-settings) with a Field Type set to "File Uploads" inside in Edit Entry.

__Developer Updates:__

* Added: `GravityView_Notifications` class as a wrapper for Gravity Forms notifications.
* Modified: Added the current `\GV\View` object as a second parameter for the `gravityview/search-all-split-words` and `gravityview/search-trim-input` filters.
* Modified: Attach listeners in the View editor to `$( document.body )` instead of `$('body')` for speed improvements.
  • Added: Support for embedding Views inside WooCommerce Account Pages
  • Improved: [gvlogic] shortcode now works with the Dashboard Views add-on in the WordPress admin area
  • Fixed: The Recent Entries widget results would be affected when browsing a View: the search query, page number, and sorting would affect the displayed entries
  • Fixed: Activation of View types (e.g., Maps, DataTables) would fail in the View editor
  • Fixed: Image preview (file upload field) not working if the file is uploaded to Dropbox using the Gravity Forms Dropbox add-on
  • Updated: Foundation to version 1.2.4
= 2.17.1 on February 20, 2023 =
* Updated: [Foundation](https://www.gravitykit.com/foundation/) to version 1.0.9