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Formidable Forms Pro + Premium ADDONS

Formidable Forms Pro + Premium ADDONS 6.10.1 NULLED

Formidable Forms v6.1.1​

FEBRUARY 25, 2023
  • Fix: Use the correct action after submit when editing when it's different from success.
  • Fix: After a draft entry was submitted, show the correct action.
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Reactions: edgars221289

Formidable Forms v6.0​

  • New: Style templates can now be previewed, installed, and activated from the new style list view of the visual styler.
  • New: The background image opacity style setting now supports float values from 0 to 1, not just percents.
  • New: Application item options will now sort in a more natural order where 2 appears before 19.
  • New: Added required changes for in-place edit to work with new on submit form actions.
  • New: Rootline pagination has been updated to look nicer on mobile widths.
  • Fix: An empty background image opacity value would trigger a PHP warning and using 0 as a background image opacity value would cause it to use full opacity instead.
  • Fix: Deactivating Formidable Pro when Formidable Lite is inactive was triggering an error.
  • Several style options have been moved, including duplicate, delete, and setting a style as the default. These have now been added to the dropdown for each style in the new list view of the visual styler. The new style option has been moved to the new list view as well.
  • The color picker alpha library has been updated to use fewer deprecated jQuery functions.
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Reactions: nvphong1987222

Formidable Forms v5.5.6​

  • Security: Added validation to URLS when importing a form XML to guarantee the file is coming from a trusted source with the proper expected format.
  • New: A new frm_section_is_open filter has been added. This can be used to conditionally load collapsible sections as open.
  • New: Added a redirect after duplicating an entry so that refreshing the page load the new duplicated entry instead of duplicating an additional entry.
  • New: Spaces are now supported as custom thousand separators when formatting a calculation with a custom format.
  • Fix: Dynamic fields were not updating on load when the target dynamic field had a default value.
  • Fix: It is no longer possible to select both radio buttons in the styler sample form.

Formidable Forms v5.5.5​

  • Security: Additional validation has been added when viewing an Application template to make sure that the endpoint cannot be manipulated and used for unsafe requests.
  • Fix: Updated a misspelled "horizonally" option.
  • Fix: An application would not render its items in the table when one of the items included a form shortcode targeting a form that does not exist.
  • The start over button longer is no longer on by default for new forms.

Formidable Forms v5.5.4.1​

  • Fix: Prevent a JavaScript error that triggers after adding a new repeater row when the repeater form does not include a slider field.
  • Fix: Prevent a JavaScript error when clicking on SVG elements.
  • Fix: Only the first slider field in a repeater row would format as currency on load.
  • Fix: The rootline dropdown would always appear for styles that have the "Override theme styling" setting enabled.
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Reactions: tatar221

Formidable Forms v5.5.3​

  • New: Formidable-styled submit buttons will now appear at half opacity with a disallowed cursor pointer when disabled.
  • New: Draft pages can now be selected when adding existing items to an application.
  • New: Password field strength will now validate in JavaScript when the setting is enabled.
  • New: Added a new "page" option to form shortcodes. For example, [formidable id=454 page=2] will begin on the 2nd page of a form, and [formidable id=pages page=start-page] will begin based on the value of a start-page get param.
  • Fix: Some application templates would fail to import because of an unexpected conflicting attribute in newer XML exports.
  • Fix: Fields inside of a duplicated section were not properly wrapped in a field group in the form builder until after refreshing the page.
  • Fix: Views wouldn't appear in Applications when Polylang was active because of a filtering conflict.
  • Fix: Calculations weren't triggering on page load after hitting the back button on Chrome and Edge.
  • Fix: A regex pattern was growing too large when importing an XML file with thousands of fields resulting in a "Compilation failed: regular expression is too large at offset" warning.
  • Fix: Additional checks were added to import to prevent warnings when tracking child entries and when importing an unexpected date value.
  • Fix: Cascading look up field options were not appearing (this was already patched in some versions of the previous release).
  • Fix: Taxonomy rows in post actions would disappear from post actions after changing taxonomy type.
  • Fix: The "Exclude options" checkbox for taxonomy rows in post actions would remain checked after saving unless all options were also unchecked.
  • Fix: All fields will be hidden again when using a form shortcode with the fields="" option like in previous 5.0.x versions of Pro.

Formidable Forms Pro v5.5.2​

OCTOBER 13, 2022
  • New: Scale fields now use open fields for defining a min and max range value, and include a new step option.
  • New: Page break fields can now be filtered using the frm_display_break_value_custom filter. See https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/frm_display_field-type_value_custom/ for examples.
  • New: Dynamic fields now have a option order setting similar to Look ups.
  • Fix: Forms made with Gutenberg blocks were not working with [frm-set-get] shortcodes.
  • Fix: Prevent a warning when duplicating fields with array data, like check boxes.
  • Fix: Batched requests for dynamic field data were processing too frequently in some cases.
  • Fix: Updated scale field styling on the Edit Entry page to fix visual issues at mobile screen sizes.

SEPTEMBER 14, 2022​

  • New: Paragraph fields now support a new Limit Length setting for limiting a Paragraph field to a maximum number of words or characters.
  • New: Date pickers initialized from a Formidable date field will now use a prefixed class to avoid styling conflicts with other date pickers. Styling for month and year dropdowns has been modified to improve compatibility with the Astra theme on WooCommerce pages.
  • New: Added a new frm_check_file_referer filter to give better control of the referer check for protected files.
  • New: Added a new Autocomplete setting for setting the autocomplete attribute for password and number fields.
  • Fix: A 0000-00-00 date will no longer be used as the entry creation date when creating a form entry from a draft post.
  • Fix: The entry updated time will now use the current time instead of being left blank when creating a form entry from a draft post.
  • Fix: Prevent a warning when saving a draft on a form with only a single page.
  • Fix: The frm_date_field_options filter previously would not work for disabling the changeMonth and changeYear options with the unique option set on the date field.