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Formidable Forms Pro + Premium ADDONS

Formidable Forms Pro + Premium ADDONS 6.10.1 NULLED

= 6.9.1 =
* New: Some data used for field settings is now stored in memory and reused in order to significantly improve performance in the form builder for forms with a lot of fields.
* Fix: Rootline and progress bar elements would not appear when using some position settings with the new submit button field.
* Fix: An invalid argument supplied for foreach() error has been fixed when truncating unexpected values.
* Fix: Submit button fields were appearing by mistake in WooCommerce products.
* The parser for serialized string data has been optimized to be approximately 30% faster than before.
* Some old deprecated code has been removed including the FrmPointers and FrmDbDeprecated classes, FrmAppHelper::sanitize_array, FrmAppHelper::expiring_message, and several methods in FrmEntryValidate.php.
* Old polyfill code for supporting old versions of Internet Explorer have been removed from front end JS, reducing file size.
= 6.9 =
* New: A new onboarding wizard has been added to help improve the initial set up process.
* New: Submit buttons can now be dragged in the form builder like a field. The submit button may be dragged into the last row beside fields.
* New: data-invmsg and data-reqmsg HTML attributes used for JS error validation are no longer included for hidden fields by default to help reduce the amount of HTML required for a form. A new frm_field_validation_include_data_attributes filter has been added to modify the default behaviour.
* Fix: A fatal error would occur on the visual styler page if the API request for style templates had failed.
* Fix: The shortcode list has been updated for calculation field options so field IDs are now still visible for fields with long names.
* Fix: The sortable indicators were missing for the forms and entries list pages. The accessibility of the sorting indicators has also been improved.
* Fix: A confirmation field wouldn't validate with JS when left empty.
* Fix: Tooltips will be deleted now after an action is deleted to fix an issue with old floating tooltips.
= 6.8.2 =
* Fix: The process of connecting an account to formidableforms.com would fail in some web browsers.
= 6.8 =
* Security: Nonce validation was missing when saving changes on the form settings page.
* New: A new dashboard landing page has been added with a list of recent entries, access to your inbox, and a payment summary, all in one place.
* New: New fields will no longer appear on the front end until the form builder is saved. This way a form can be used without partial incomplete changes while a form is being worked on.
* New: An HSL color value can now be used in the visual styler. Previously these values would be prepended by # and PHP warnings would cause styles to break.
* New: Stripe subscriptions will now cancel at period end by default instead of cancelling immediately. This can be reverted to the previous behaviour using add_filter( 'frm_stripe_cancel_subscription_at_period_end', '__return_false' );.
* New: Summary emails will no longer send by default on multisite for sites that are not the main site.
* New: Summary emails can now be disabled from your profile on your Formidable Forms account for Pro users.
* Fix: On some sites, while using Google Chrome, some style card menu options would be missing. This includes the option to Delete a style or to Set a style as default.
* Fix: Long forms loaded with AJAX were loading in smaller batches than intended, usually pulling only a few fields at a time. This has been restored to the intended batch size of 15 fields at a time.
* Fix: A styling issue in some search search inputs has been fixed.
* Fix: The view payment page was appearing blank, and table column options were missing when editing a table view.
* Fix: An error message wouldn't properly appear when using a 3D secure card and failing the payment.
* Fix: A subscription with a failed payment would incorrectly redirect like a confirmed payment.
* Fix: The toggle to disable form styling would still appear active when disabled through the Manage Styling global setting.
* Fix: Encoded characters would appear in plain text summary emails.
* List tag types include ul, ol, and li are now allowed in form input HTML by default.
* Form input HTML will no longer be filtered to strip most HTML on display if the entry was created by or edited by a privileged user.
* Summary emails are no longer sent when there are no new entries.

Formidable Forms v6.6​

  • New: Screen reader text has been added to header logos for improved accessibility on admin pages.
  • New: Some margins have been removed from file upload fields that were causing styling issues.
  • New: Checkbox groups will no longer use an aria-required attribute on the group element. This was causing accessibility errors in axe DevTools and Google PageSpeed.
  • New: Email fields now have a new autocomplete setting to make it easier to add autocomplete="email" to an email field.
  • New: The reports page now includes a status dropdown for filtering entries by status.
  • New: The dropzone button now includes a label for improved accessibility.
  • New: Date field colors can now be styled for every style. Previously this was limited to the default style only.
  • New: A repeater with no rows will reset to a single row when the start over button is clicked.
  • New: You can now search for values for embedded and repeated fields when searching from the entries list admin page.
  • Fix: [formidable] shortcodes would not process in HTML field descriptions, and shortcodes in HTML field custom HTML were not processing as expected.
  • Fix: A JavaScript error would get logged after submitting forms with dynamic fields when only a success message is shown on success.
  • Fix: Look ups were not working when watching a Name field.
  • Fix: Star rating fields were not appearing in Safari browsers.
  • Fix: The Other input for radio buttons would not get hidden after clicking the star over button.
  • Fix: Dropzone errors would get cleared immediately on load when there were file values set.
  • Fix: Stale embedded form data wouldn't update after fields in an embedded form was updated.
  • Fix: Add/remove buttons used in repeaters no longer change background color on hover when using icons only.
  • Fix: The repeater limit was not getting applied properly when switching between pages in a multiple page form.
  • Fix: Edit in-place would not work for a form with a reCAPTCHA field when submit with AJAX was disabled.
  • Fix: Some padding has been removed from radio buttons displayed as images. This fixes issues with options appearing off-centre.
  • Fix: Entry meta wasn't getting deleted when entries were deleting after clicking star over.
  • Fix: Checkbox options displayed as images would not appear selected when viewing the result when the checkbox option included an ampersand character.
  • Fix: The add row button would not appear after deleting every repeater row when using the icons only display style.
  • Fix: An undefined array key "size" warning would get logged for some file upload fields.
  • Fix: HTML fields were not properly working in conditional logic inside of repeaters.
  • Fix: When importing a form and its embedded form child, the child form will now get updated to the new child form ID in the parent form after the import is complete.
  • Fix: The other option would not appear selected in field settings after setting it as the default value.
  • Fix: A star rating field display value would appear as star_full text when using You are missing options in your shortcode. field_id is required. shortcodes without the keepjs=1 because of a filtering issue.
  • The function FrmProEntry::get_view_results has been deprecated.
  • Checkboxes have been removed as an option for Post Titles due to incompatibility issues.

Formidable Forms v6.5.4​

  • New: A database query used on the reports page has been optimized, as well as the way entry metas are decoded, reducing the time for the reports page to load.
  • New: The timeout limit is now removed on the reports page to avoid issues with slow reports timing out when processing data for a lot of entries.
  • New: Styling has been updated for the reports page and new entry page when no form ID is filtered in the URL.
  • Fix: A JavaScript error would get logged on the reports page when no form ID was being filtered in the URL.
  • Fix: Some unexpected date formats would cause fatal errors on form submit.
  • Fix: Values like -5 Hours would not work in a created_at_greater_than frm-graph shortcode option.
  • Fix: Shortcodes would process twice in HTML field descriptions.
  • Fix: Multiple copies of a form would occasionally copy to other sites instead of just a single copy.

Formidable Forms v6.5.3​

  • New: The default value for a password field invalid format validation message is now more descriptive. As this error message is used for the missing special characters rule, the message now includes the special characters error message by default instead of the previous "Password is invalid" default message.
  • New: [foreach] shortcodes now support a order="desc" option for iterating repeater entries in reverse order.
  • New: Field calculations now support scientific notation, enabling numbers like 10e2.
  • New: A new frm_protected_file_readonly_permission filter has been added. This can be used to work around a Snuffleupagus security module rule that prevents certain chmod values.
  • New: The way CSS and SVGs are added has been modified for better compatibility with the Snuffleupagus security module.
  • Fix: Star rating field styling has been updated to improve compatibility with some themes where stars would appear on separate lines.
  • Fix: Placeholder labels would not appear in multiselect lookup dropdowns.
  • Fix: Text calculations were not working properly for dynamic field dropdowns in repeaters.

Formidable Forms v6.5.2​

  • New: When bulk deleting or when deleting all entries for a form, a new confirmation pop up will appear that requires you to confirm first by typing in DELETE ALL. This is intended to help avoid cases where all entries are deleted by mistake.
  • New: Repeater add and remove buttons now use submit button hover styling.