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Flux Checkout for WooCommerce

Flux Checkout for WooCommerce 2.15.0 NULLED

2022-11-12 - version 2.2.2
[new] Empty cart state template
[update] Add filter `woocommerce_cart_item_thumbnail`
[update] Compatibility with Fastcart plugin by Barn2
[update] Add CSS properties to align images in Thank you content box
[update] Add filter to modify the shop URL hyperlink `flux_checkout_shop_page_url`
[update] Fix compatibility with WooCommerce Checkout Add-ons plugin
[update] Compatibility with Kadence Theme
[update] Prefix Flux AJAX requests to prevent conflict with other plugins
[fix] Issue where admin style doesn't load for non-English languages
[fix] Allow quantity of product more than the stock availability when the product is in backorder
[fix] Clear WooCommerce template cache on plugin deactivation
[fix] Update cart item count heading when item quantity is changed on the Checkout page
[fix] Prevent JS errors on the Thank you page
[fix] Fix issue where the "Place Order" button would reset to default on changing the Payment method
[fix] Styling Fixes