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Flexible Checkout Fields PRO

Flexible Checkout Fields PRO 4.0.8

## [4.0.8] - 2024-06-20
### Fixed
- Adding pricing "0" to a field
## [4.0.4] - 2024-02-21
### Fixed
- Infinite Order review section reload when field has pricing enabeled and is selected in other field conditiona logic
- Syntax error message on checkout validation
- Prevent saving empty pricing rules for a field
## [4.0.3] - 2023-02-14
### Fixed
- Conditional logic not working in review_order_before_submit and review_order_after_submit sections
- Fields manipulation (hiding and showing a field)
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Reactions: Stason and Angeloid
## [3.5.11] - 2023-10-10
### Fixed
- Improved validation for required fields with shipping conditional logic
## [3.5.5] - 2023-05-16

### Fixed

- Fixed divided by zero error when product price is 0 and custom field pricing value is negative
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Reactions: Stason
3.5.1 - 2022-11-21
* Fixed conditional logic fails when product is removed
* Fixed checkout infinitely reloading when conditional logic applied
* Fixed critical error, when order related to fields doesn't exist
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Reactions: Stason and Angeloid
* Fixed support for different date formats
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Reactions: Stason