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Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme Premium

Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme Premium 3.19.2 NULLED

--- 3.18.0 (08.11.23) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 8.3 compatibility.
NEW: Debuting tailored Pjax functionality. Facilitates ajax-driven navigation & filtering (optional).
NEW: Shop: AJAX for product category widget, filter widgets & sorting (optional).
NEW: Builder: Color Eyedropper tool for effortless screen color picking.
NEW: Scroll to the top after Pjax navigation option.
NEW: Mini cart: Quantity input (ajax-driven) option.
NEW: Mini cart: Free shipping bar option.
NEW: Mini cart: Empty cart icon & return to shop button.
NEW: Mini cart drawer: Show cross-sells option.
NEW: Mini cart drawer: Sticky footer option.
NEW: Cart: Free shipping bar option.
NEW: Checkout: Free shipping bar option.
NEW: Added advanced menu section 'Content Delivery'.
NEW: Blog pagination type choice (Normal/AJAX).
NEW: WooCommerce pagination type choice (Normal/AJAX/Infinite scroll).
NEW: Blog posts element pagination (pagination links, load more, prev/next) on row, masonry & grid layout.
NEW: Blog posts element pagination alignment.
NEW: Blog posts element pagination ID and Class field.
NEW: Blog posts element pagination position.
NEW: Products element pagination (pagination links, load more, prev/next) on row, masonry & grid layout.
NEW: Products element pagination alignment.
NEW: Products element pagination ID and Class field.
NEW: Products element pagination position.
NEW: FAQ schema support to accordions, for improving SEO and search result visibility (optional).
NEW: Lottie scroll action type option (seek, play, playOnce).
NEW: Single product gallery type option (slide, fade).
NEW: Custom accordion anchor.
NEW: Custom tab anchors.
NEW: Maintenance mode: Body class.
NEW: Maintenance mode: Bypass by key.
NEW: Maintenance mode: Exclude by role (default).
NEW: Option to display WhatsApp among the Header Contact fields.
NEW: Option to set Off-canvas / Drawer width.
NEW: Option to set Off-canvas Cart Drawer width.
NEW: Select theme colors in the Block Editor.
NEW: Shop catalog ordering enable/disable option.
NEW: Shop catalog result count enable/disable option.
NEW: Smoother theme scroll-to animation.
NEW: Title link rel option.
NEW: Title link target option.
NEW: Tooltip color & background color options.
NEW: UX Blocks admin category filter and column.
NEW: Added 2 header block slots.
NEW: Bullet list cross icon.
NEW: X (social media) icon.
NEW: X follow link option.
NEW: X share link option.

PERFORMANCE: Optimized code execution for global Ajax requests.

ENHANCEMENT: Added 'Manage your licenses' link in the setup wizard register step.
ENHANCEMENT: Added all theme icons in the builder icon value dropdown.
ENHANCEMENT: Added comments template to all page templates.
ENHANCEMENT: AJAX add to cart scroll to notice on notice.
ENHANCEMENT: Changed mini cart heading tag from h4 to span.
ENHANCEMENT: If using lightbox login, notices will now show inside the lightbox login/register form.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved shop swatch reset limited reset logic.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved the theme logo in the backend.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved various customizer options visibility (hiding options that depend on other settings).
ENHANCEMENT: Improved WooCommerce notices on transparent header.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved WPML configuration.
ENHANCEMENT: Quantity button alignment in shop loop products.
ENHANCEMENT: Remove the default sliding animations on off-canvas buttons.
ENHANCEMENT: Removed title attribute from WooCommerce gallery images to prevent the display of image filenames in the native tooltip.
ENHANCEMENT: Sticky add to cart functionality for stacked layouts.
ENHANCEMENT: Support iframed Block Editor.
ENHANCEMENT: Swatches/shop: Improved cache clearance.
ENHANCEMENT: Use custom CSS properties for theme colors.
ENHANCEMENT: Various customizer options are reordered more logically.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Improved layout when php notices appear.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: B2B for WooCommerce Ajax add to cart product pricing.
FIXED: Vertical menu dropdown not same height as fly out on Safari.
FIXED: Blog posts excerpt trimming issue to ensure accurate length and avoid duplicate ellipses.
FIXED: Ensure Flickity is initialized before attempting to destroy.
FIXED: Header HTML slots did not render shortcode in preview in some cases.
FIXED: hide-for-small & hide-for-medium classes did not take effect in drawers.
FIXED: List item indentation in UX Block menu dropdown.
FIXED: PHP 8.2 deprecations.
FIXED: Position of slider arrows (circle/outside style) and its reveal animation.
FIXED: Review count on related and upsell products on a single product page.
FIXED: Swatches/shop: out-of-stock class added when only one variation was out of stock.
FIXED: Theme file editor: Prevented false positive syntax error in header cart element template.
FIXED: Updated and renamed old quick view hooks with flatsome prefix.
FIXED: WooCommerce translation domain name was used in portfolio templates on some strings.
FIXED: UX Blocks admin menu item text for adding a new block.
FIXED: Banner: Sticky option did not function.
FIXED: Live search results RTL styling.

CHANGED: Infinite scroll button string changed to 'Load more'.
CHANGED: Infinite scroll settings are moved to 'Content Delivery' section.
CHANGED: Removed noreferrer from rel attributes on blank targets.
CHANGED: Sticky add to cart now utilizes a separate template.

DEV: Added experimental_flatsome_pjax filter.
DEV: Added experimental_flatsome_pjax_enabled filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_after_mini_cart_contents action.
DEV: Added flatsome_after_mini_cart_cross_sells action.
DEV: Added flatsome_after_mini_cart_empty_message action.
DEV: Added flatsome_after_single_product_lightbox action.
DEV: Added flatsome_before_mini_cart_cross_sells action.
DEV: Added flatsome_before_mini_cart_empty_message action.
DEV: Added flatsome_before_mini_cart_total action.
DEV: Added flatsome_before_single_product_lightbox action.
DEV: Added flatsome_html_atts filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_maintenance_mode filter (filterable access mode).
DEV: Added flatsome_relay_classes filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_relay_control_classes filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_relay_pagination_args filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_shipping_free_shipping_threshold filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_show_mini_cart_item_quantity filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_single_product_lightbox_product_gallery action.
DEV: Added flatsome_single_product_lightbox_summary action.
DEV: Added flatsome_swatches_box_display_min_count filter.

Note: Minimum required WP version 5.9.0.
Note: Eyedropper tool operates only in secure 'https' contexts or on localhost, with support for Chrome and Edge browsers.
Note: WooCommerce result count and catalog ordering will display even if removed (by code) in the shop by their old actions. Use the new UI options in the product catalog section to re-disable them if desired.
--- 3.17.7 (13.09.23) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 8.1 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Body overflow prevention.
ENHANCEMENT: Don't lazy-load images with high fetch priority.

FIXED: Attach post when uploading images in UX Builder.
FIXED: Copy as Shortcode on custom product page product elements.
FIXED: Don't auto play sliders on mobile after scrolling if not enabled.
FIXED: Don't redirect to product when clicking on swatches in UX Builder.
FIXED: Image lazy-loading failed in some cases on WordPress 6.3.
FIXED: Non-bullet styled list item indentation in UX Block menu dropdown.
FIXED: Removed padding on text with color inside square and circle Text Box elements.
FIXED: Responsive Stack gap with "0" as value.

CHANGED: Disabled ajax add to cart on composite products.

UPDATED: Language files.
--- 3.17.5 (04.08.23) ---
FIXED: Resolved an issue where the header cart item element was not updating in some cases.
FIXED: Toggling of sticky-hide-on-scroll active class.
FIXED: Banner zoom long hover style.

UPDATED: Language files.
--- 3.17.4 (11.07.23) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 7.9 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved WCML multi-currency support.

FIXED: Google map Pegman & buttons placement.
FIXED: Live search not showing results in some cases.
FIXED: Sticky section on mobile.

CHANGED: Copy as Shortcode: replaced navigator API with a prompt for reliability.

UPDATED: Language files.
--- 3.17.3 (23.06.23) ---
FIXED: Scroll-to link with full URLs not navigating in some cases.
FIXED: Icons alignment in the admin menu dropdown.
FIXED: Apply Coupon button color.

UPDATED: Language files.
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Reactions: edgars221289
--- 3.17.2 (15.06.23) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 7.8 compatibility.

UPDATED: Google Fonts list.
UPDATED: Language files.
--- 3.17.0 (25.04.23) ---
NEW: Lottie Element (Bodymovin), a powerful and flexible way to integrate Lottie animations.
NEW: AJAX add to cart buttons on single product page & quick view (optional).
NEW: Lazy load Instagram feeds (optional).
NEW: Header element Secondary Menu.
NEW: Implemented native CSS-based sticky columns for enhanced performance.
NEW: Integrated dynamic per-page load offset calculation for optimized scroll-to experience.
NEW: Sticky sidebar/column mode option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Reset limited swatches option.
NEW: Auto open & scroll to accordion item per URL hash.
NEW: Auto-scroll to tab per URL hash.
NEW: Slider: Responsive slide width.
NEW: Refactored follow links for enhanced customization, addition, and reordering capabilities.
NEW: Refactored share links for enhanced customization, addition, and reordering capabilities.
NEW: Refactored sticky column JavaScript (enhanced & developed in-house).
NEW: Lottie Path: Set the source path or upload a file for your Lottie animation.
NEW: Lottie Animation Speed: Adjust the animation speed to suit your needs.
NEW: Lottie Autoplay: Toggle autoplay for your Lottie animations.
NEW: Lottie Mouse behavior: Set the animation behavior on mouse events.
NEW: Lottie Triggers: Choose from multiple trigger options for your animations: none, on hover, on click, or on scroll.
NEW: Lottie Start at X% Viewport (scroll): Define the animation start point based on the viewport percentage when scrolling.
NEW: Lottie Finish at X% Viewport (scroll): Define the animation end point based on the viewport percentage when scrolling.
NEW: Lottie Play in Reverse: Enable playing the animation in reverse.
NEW: Lottie Start Animation at X%: Set the starting point of the animation.
NEW: Lottie End Animation at X%: Set the ending point of the animation.
NEW: Lottie Player Controls: Provide users with built-in player controls for the Lottie animations.
NEW: Added 'Offset Type' option on scroll-to.
NEW: Added 'Offset Value' option for customizing scroll-to value.
NEW: Yoast & Rank Math: make primary term active category in WooCommerce widget.

ENHANCEMENT: Centering the canvas in UX Builder.
ENHANCEMENT: Combined post date and author into a single string for translation purposes.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved customizer sortable enabled/disabled state style.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved various translation strings.
ENHANCEMENT: Infinite scrolling in conjunction with Facet WP.
ENHANCEMENT: Menu link element can now use mailto:, sms:, ... protocol links.
ENHANCEMENT: Replaced jQuery waypoint with a more efficient method for better performance.
ENHANCEMENT: Separated blog post shortcode links to image and title.
ENHANCEMENT: Scroll hierarchy when dragging over it in UX Builder.
ENHANCEMENT: Swatch flex spacing & added size variables.
ENHANCEMENT: UX Blocks: Hide from nav menus selection.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: Attach events to duplicated elements in UX Builder.
FIXED: Edit with UX Builder button in Gutenberg not visible in some cases.
FIXED: Focus duplicated element correctly in UX Builder.
FIXED: Sorting multi select controls in UX Builder.
FIXED: Multi select controls showing all terms or tags in UX Builder in some cases.
FIXED: Issue where the $.block overlay was appearing over the header in some cases.
FIXED: Mobile logo left positioning in conjunction with desktop center logo positioning.
FIXED: Portfolio tag breadcrumbs going outside of the container.
FIXED: Potential XSS within UX Builder.
FIXED: Prevent native drag on elements in UX Builder.
FIXED: Refined scroll-to positioning for WooCommerce notices (e.g., on the checkout page) for a better user experience.
FIXED: Replaced WooCommerce deprecated methods.
FIXED: Search lightbox and shortcode button dimensions on mobile.
FIXED: Tabs: Lazy load issue in other than the first tab with animated content element.
FIXED: Blog posts href on button element.
FIXED: Unknown format specifier on tab title in some cases.
FIXED: WordPress 6.2 deprecations.

UPDATED: Google Fonts list.
UPDATED: Language files.

DEV: Added flatsome_follow_links filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_share_links filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_shortcode_${tag}_social_links filter.
DEV: Deprecated flatsome_swatches() in favor of swatches().
DEV: Updated Tooltipster to 4.2.8 + migrate.

Note: Minimum required WooCommerce version 4.7.0.
Note: Minimum required WP version 5.4.0.
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Reactions: MAXAM and tatar221
--- 3.16.7 (23.03.23) ---
FIXED: Issue with quantity buttons on cart not functioning after updating cart on WooCommerce 7.5.
--- 3.16.6 (14.02.23) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 7.4 compatibility.
NEW: Updated Google Fonts list.

ENHANCEMENT: Added localization admin info panel.

FIXED: Integration of woocommerce-tm-extra-product did not load due to class name change.
FIXED: PHP warning in class-wc-product-data-fields.php undefined array key 0.
FIXED: Compatibility issue with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist and UX Builder.
FIXED: Warning in the block editor when the "UX Builder content" block is rendered.
FIXED: Google Maps API deprecated message.
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Reactions: tatar221