• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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FaLang Pro
5.4 (2024/01/30)
  • fix menu item switch when the child menu is not translated
  • fix locking table in front-end (backupmonkey - tn21)
  • fix custom fields on categories edition
  • fix showtime in article translation (same as original)
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
4.13 (2023/06/15)
  • fix routing problem on (forget username/password link)
  • change mod_falang default position to sidebar-right
  • remove fix for 3.4.3 on mod_falang with sef disabled
  • Like
Reactions: nombre and zafro
3.10.7 (2023/04/04)
  • fix Joomla 4 update process without disabling Falang
  • add dlid param's in package (paid version)
  • add message to set downloadid
  • fix mod_falang inline display language flags
4.11 (2023/03/30)
  • add Event onBeforeFieldTranslation (skip fulltext translation for Yootheme)
  • fix bug on subform translation.
  • add message on backend if PDO driver is selected.
  • add categories use default param's system
4.10 (2023/03/14)
  • Improve Event Booking support
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221 and zafro
4.8 (2023/01/03)
  • fix display param's on translations page
  • fix import error
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Reactions: tatar221 and zafro
4.6 (2022/11/08)
  • install script default is free to be sure to have a default
  • hreflang small change
  • fix bug when 2 advanced dropdown are in the site
  • Like
Reactions: zafro and tatar221
4.5 (2022/10/06)
  • add new parameter to order automatically the system plugin to work fine with Falang (can be disabled)
  • fix for admintools (need be in first position, fix menu translation)
  • fix deprecated order parameter change on trigger onBeforeTranslation and onAfterTranslation
  • fix bug in routing when catid is an array
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Reactions: zafro and tatar221