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FacetWP - Advanced Filtering for WordPress + All addons

FacetWP - Advanced Filtering for WordPress + All addons 4.3


June 28, 2023
  • NewAdded `facetwp_scripts` WP action to manually add custom scripts
  • NewProximity facet - added Placeholder field
  • FixedBetter detection / handling when `facetwp_pre_filtered_post_ids` or `facetwp_filtered_post_ids` hooks are in use
  • FixedDate range - PHP warning when no end date is set (props Oscar M.)
  • FixedWooCommerce - prevent issues for custom-translated stock statuses
  • FixedMore PHP8 deprecation notices
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Reactions: edgars221289


June 5, 2023
  • Fixed `FWP()->is_filtered` should account for `facetwp_pre_filtered_post_ids` hook usage (fixes Advanced Woo Search)
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Reactions: edgars221289


May 17, 2023
  • FixedAdmin - prevent caching of index table row counts
  • FixedAdmin - plugin install notice listed the wrong add-on name (e.g. "WPML" instead of "Multilingual")
  • FixedLoad more - prevent injecting results into static templates
  • FixedIndexer - issue causing index values for a post to clear on save
  • ImprovedSupport - include memory stats
  • ImprovedSupport - include whether Debug Mode is turned on
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Reactions: edgars221289


Apr 14, 2023
  • Improved (Re-)added notices when necessary integration add-ons are missing
  • Improved Admin UI - show the HTTP status code when an ajax request fails
  • Improved Migration script efficiency tweaks
  • Fixed Hierarchy facet - changed "Count" setting to "Soft limit" for consistency
  • Fixed Listing builder - switched button items back from HTML button to link elements
  • Fixed "Show indexable post types" UI setting now takes the `facetwp_indexer_query_args` hook into account
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Reactions: tatar221


Mar 20, 2023
  • Fixed PHP 8.2 "AllowDynamicProperties" deprecation notices (props Andrew M.)
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Reactions: tatar221

4.1.4 - Jan 16, 2022​

  • New Added "No results text" field to the listing builder
  • Improved WP-CLI integration - use temp table, just like the UI version
  • Fixed JSON response - ensure that "action" is a string (3rd party plugins sometimes break this standard)
  • Updated Build tools
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Reactions: tatar221 and admin

4.1.3 - Dec 15, 2022​

  • Improved Data source dropdown - add taxonomy names after the labels (helps distinguish taxonomies sharing the same label)
  • Fixed Listing builder - prevent double timezone offset

4.1.2 - Nov 10, 2022​

  • Fixed Query builder - "EMPTY" and "NOT EMPTY" clauses
  • Fixed ACF integration - prevent PHP8 error on invalid parent fields
  • Fixed Typo with "Strict query detection" setting, please re-save if using that setting
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Reactions: tatar221


Nov 4, 2022
  • New Added experimental "Strict query detection" UI setting
  • Improved Index table charset switched to utf8mb4 (for Emoji support)
  • Improved Date range - input labels can now be translated via facetwp_i18n
  • Improved Date range - a11y support
  • Fixed FSelect lib - fire a change event, even when the value is empty
  • Fixed A11y - added "aria-hidden" to hidden items to prevent ARIA warnings
  • Fixed The `facetwp_template_use_archive` hook should support the "s" argument
  • Fixed Query builder - issue with the "EXISTS" / "NOT EXISTS" query filter clauses
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Reactions: tatar221