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Exicube Taxi App by exicube

Exicube Taxi App by exicube 4.4.0

v4.4.0 (30 August 2024)
- Booking Receipt
- Driver Tips Added
- Xendit Payment Added
- Performance Fixes
v4.1.0 (27 March 2024)
- Expo SDK 50
- Payment Gateway Settings in Admin
- Booking for Other Person Added
- Paymongo Getway Added
- Push Notification use FCM v1
- Some UI fixes
v3.5.0 (18 Sep 2023)
- Expo SDK 49
- Authentication Methods made Optional
- Google Login added
- Facebook Login removed
- Documentation updated
- Many Performance fixes
v3.4.0 (21 Jun 2023)
- Optional pre-paid or post-paid option
- Dashboard real-time drivers Update
- Saved Addresses in Address Search
- Long-distance map crash solved
- Some UI fixes
v3.3.0 (15 Apr 2023)
- Upgraded to Expo SDK 48
- Upgraded to Firebase 9.17.2
- Project re-written w.r.t Firebase 9 specifications
- All old react native packages replaced
- Documentation major update
- react-native-firebase package used for Phone Auth
- Email OTP based Auth removed. Password applied.
- Profile updation made easy
- New user filling Email and Name seamlessly while Booking
- Many checks and validations applied
- More security applied to Wallet
- UI and RTL issues fixed
- Terms & Conditions with Agree added
- Location permission check added in Home Page
- Option to Turn Off Cash & Online Payments
- Option to Turn Off Car Approval
- Option to make Car addition mandatory
- Option to turn off Terms Checking
- Ability to make License Image mandatory for Driver
v2.1.0 (30 Oct 2022)
- Wallet on Web added
- Wallet Fund addition and Withdraw added
- Razorpay Gateway Added
- Documentation updated
- Expo Id issue solved
- Facebook login mobile update solved
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removed zip password
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