• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.

Version 4.4.0​

( updated on 10 Sept 2024 )
+ [Added] - Users now receive push notifications for items left in their cart
+ [Added] - Added support for applying multiple tax rates to products.
+ [Added] - A new "Buy Now" button is available for quick checkout
+ [Added] - Admins can now download product data in bulk.
+ [Added] - Zip code data can now be downloaded in bulk by admins.
+ [Added] - Enabled the option to delete multiple media files at once.
+ [Added] - Admins can now delete multiple zip codes simultaneously.
+ [Added] - Added Native link for share item
+ [Added] - Introduced web push notifications for desktop users.
+ [Improved] - Various bug fixes and performance improvements

Version 4.1.0​

( updated on 09 Feb 2024 )

+ [Introduced] - Introduced chat feature in customer web interface for direct communication with administrators and system users, enhancing user experience and customer support.
+ [Introduced] introduced Whats App ordering, enabling convenient product purchases via the popular messaging platform
+ Implement Implemented reordering feature, enabling users to easily reorder previously placed orders with minimal effort.
[Resolve] Resolved various bugs and issues to improve overall system stability and performance.


( updated on 27 Aug 2023 )

+ [Added] New Theme called "Modern" for frontend
+ [Improved] Improvements & Bug fixes
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Reactions: sirfparvez
Change Log: – 1 March 2023
– Version: 4.0.2

+ [Added] Delete Account
+ [Added] Edit product review
+ [Added] Customer Support
+ [Added] Wallet refill and Withdraw money
+ [Added] Product sharing option
+ [Added] Popup offers
+ [Added] Promo code for specific users
+ [Fix] Improvements & bug fixes
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Reactions: icemanforever