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Element Pack - Addon Elementor Page Builder WordPress

Element Pack - Addon Elementor Page Builder WordPress 7.15.5 NULLED

Version 6.10.0 Released​


  • bbPress Forum Form widget added
  • bbPress Forum Index widget added
  • bbPress Single Forum widget added
  • bbPress Topic Index widget added
  • bbPress Topic Form widget added
  • bbPress Single Topic widget added
  • bbPress Reply Form widget added
  • bbPress Single Reply widget added
  • bbPress Topic Tags widget added
  • bbPress Single Tag widget added
  • bbPress Single View widget added
  • bbPress Stats widget added
  • Waypoint Offset option added in Notation Extensions


  • The Instagram cache issue fixed
  • The image border color issue was fixed in the Marker widget
  • Transform Rotate RTL issue fixed in Tile Scroll extension
24 Nov, 2022

Version 6.9.0 Released​


  • Hash Link Extensions added
  • Dynamic field support was added in the Username field in Calendly Widget (Thanks Maximilien Leleu )
  • Review platform option added in Testimonial Grid, Testimonial Carousel & Testimonial Slider widgets


  • RTL issue fixed in Iconnav widget
  • Tile Scroll options disappeared problem fixed
  • Column gap RTL issue fixed in Advanced Image Gallery widget
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
## 6.8.0 [8th November 2022]

### Added

- Features list alignment, footer radius option added in Price Table
- Last Purchased Date, Purchased Item Number, Single Products Price, Stock and Category conditions added in Visibility Controls Extension
- Quotation offset & image background options added in Testimonial Slider Widget
- Tab wrapper style option added in tabs widget
- Query Order options Added in WC Products widget
- EDD Mini Cart Widget Added
- EDD Product Reviews Widget Added
- EDD Product Review Carousel Widget Added

### Fixed

- Manual Selection issue fixed in all Events Calendar related Widget & Skin
- Tippy JS missing issue fixed in Circle Menu Widget (Thanks Maximilien LELEU)
- Manual Category selection issue fixed in Event List Widget (Thanks Carole McNally)

### Updated

- New animation mechanism added in SVG widget
- Original price control updated in price table widget
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
## 6.7.0 [18th October 2022]

### Added
- LearnPress Grid Widget added
- LearnPress Carousel Widget added
- Header Sticky feature added in Pricing Table Widget
- Categories Count Hide option added in WC Category widget

### Fixed
- WC mini cart conflict issue fixed (Thanks Atriumlabs)

### Updated
- Columns option updated in WC Category widget
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
13 Oct, 2022 - Version 6.6.2 Released


  • Icon color issue fixed in Search Widget
  • Columns issue fixed in Skin Envelope of Hover Box Widget (Thanks to Maximilian Kraaz)
  • Border Radius issue fixed in Interactive Card Widget (Thanks to Rusty C Lindquist)
  • Filter Item issue fixed in Post Gallery Widget (Thanks to Matt Watkins)
  • List Style Type CSS issue fixed in Fancy List and Breadcumbs Widget (Thanks to Josh Robertson)
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
## 6.6.1 [11th October 2022]

### Added

- Copy Link feature added in Social Share Widget
- Search Field Placeholder Customize option added in Advanced Google Map Widget (Thanks to Rene Broll)
- Empty Product Notice added in WC Mini Cart widget

### Fixed

- Ajax search issue fixed in Search widget
- Label color issue fixed in Chart Widget Radar mode
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221

Version 6.6.0 Released​


  • Mega Menu Feature + Mega Menu widget added
  • Sub Menu widget added
  • Container Support added in Extensions
  • Image Size option added in Post Slider widget
  • Tooltip Text dynamic option added in Circle Menu widget (Thanks to Abdoul Ouedraogo)
  • Alignment, Subtitle spacing, and original price offset option added in Price Table widget
  • Table header, body radius option added in Table widget
  • Drop bar stretch, animation out, animation, boundary, target, and alignment options added in the Drop bar widget
  • Columns, columns gap, match the height, google icon option added in Google Reviews widget
  • Image Size option added in Logo Grid, Carousel widget
  • Alignment responsive option added in Flip Box widget
  • Image style controls added in the Testimonial Slider widget
  • Text Hide on responsive option added in Hover Box, Image Expand widgets
  • Close button text & align, button vertical & rotate, icon position top & bottom option added in Offcanvas widget
  • Products in Cart, Categories in Cart, Cart Item Number, Cart Subtotal Price conditions added in Visibility Controls Extension
  • Divider option added in Image Accordion widget vertical skin (Thanks to Stefan)
  • Skin style horizontal & vertical responsive option added in Image Accordion & Image Expand widgets (Thanks to Stefan)
  • Navbar Style 4 animation option added in Navbar & Scroll Navigation widgets


  • Hidden issue fixed in Advanced Google Maps widget (Thanks to EG)
  • Editor Save conflict issue fixed in Visibility Control extension (Thanks to Gabriel Sirbu)
  • The strip issue was fixed in the QR Code widget (Thanks to Jason D Corbett)
  • Read more icon position not working issue fixed in the Post Block skin Genesis widget
  • Scroll animation issue fixed in Timeline widget
  • Portfolio carousel style not working issue fixed (Thanks to Chris)
  • Category Filter issue fixed in Events Calendar widget (Thanks to Lubna Shaikh)
  • Position issue fixed in Marker widget (Thanks to Gabriel Sirbu)
  • Filter issue fixed on (Post Gallery, Portfolio Gallery, FAQ, Testimonial Grid)
  • Prefix and Suffix issue fixed in Chart Widget (Alex Szram)


  • Elementor 3.7.x Compatibility added (Make sure you are using core 3.7.2+ and pro 3.7.3+)
  • Visit Count and Session Count condition added in Visibility Controls Extension (Thanks to alden20)
  • Chart Widget vendor updated and compatibility added


  • Horizontal scroller navigation issue fixed
  • Post Slider thumbs rtl issue fixed (Thanks to Media Felix)
  • Button Highlight color issue fixed in Offcanvas widget (Thanks to Watcharachai)
  • Subject Encoding issue fixed in Contact Form Widget
  • ACF Loop issue fixed in Hover Video Widget (Thanks to Will Smith)