• The default language of any content posted is English.
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EasyBlog PRO

EasyBlog PRO 6.0.10

  • Fixed possible issue with MailChimp integration where sent campaign is marked as draft
  • Addressed an issue where text indent & outdent does not respect RTL
  • Fixed PHP 8.1 compatibility issue in S3 photo upload integration
  • Post finder plugin now works correctly when admin run the indexing via Joomla CLI
  • Post editing now works properly when the post contains Youtube block with double quote in video title
  • Admin can now select the subscription type when adding new subscription from the back-end
  • Comparing with other revisions of a post now works fine in PHP 8.x
  • Fixed an issue relating to Invalid Token error when progressive cache is enabled on the site
  • Searching with multiple keywords and filtered category now works fine
  • Posts are now correctly sorted by date in smart search
  • View name is no longer appended to archive permalink if the site has an archive menu item
  • Pasting a text in heading block no longer causes the default placeholder to persist
  • Addressed an issue with truncation when the content contains an audio block
  • Addressed issue where unable to save teamblog when its creation date being defined
  • Added new option 'Validate Menu Item' in entry post SEO which allows admin to determine whether the system should validate menu items associated with blog posts
  • Blog layout now shows correctly on Android mobile device
  • Addressed an issue where category is unable to be created during migration of Joomla Articles in PHP 8
  • Single click updater now displays proper message when the update fails
  • Blog post SEF now generates correctly in Joomla 4 when menu items for single post page exist
  • YouTube video post cover now respects the Youtube privacy-enhanced mode setting from the back-end
  • Addressed an issue with teamblog browse button in Joomla 4