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Dynamic Content for Elementor

Dynamic Content for Elementor 3.0.7 NULLED

v2.12.1 - 2023/11/14
* Notice: remove warning about PHP 8.2 compatibility
* Tweak: Remote Content Widget, full-screen is now allowed in iframes by default
* Tweak: PDF Viewer widget, added Canvas Size Adjustable Controls
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, Grid with Filters Skin, add an option to stop using the all filter as default
* Tweak: PDF Viewer widget, added Print and Download buttons controls
* Fix: ACF Relationship, issues with the sub-field control
* Fix: Issues with background images in some skins of Dynamic Posts
* Fix: Formatted number for Elementor Pro Form was not live updating the Amount Field
* Fix: Stripe for Elementor Pro Form warning due to Stripe API changes
* Fix: Dynamic Google Maps, Fatal PHP error happening in some cases
* Fix: Add to Favorite, issues with the button in some cases where the button is present more than once in the page
* Fix: Add to Calendar, issues with garbled text in some clients
* Minor Fixes
v2.11.0 - 2023/08/22
* New: Mirror Field for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Dynamic Tag Image Token
* New: Cookie Action for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, Masonry will now maintain the horizontal order of the posts
* Tweak: improve PHP 8.2 support (not yet fully supported)
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, for text Meta Field the HTML tag could not be selected
* Fix: Form Method for Elementor Pro Form was not working with deferred script loading
* Fix: Amount and JS Field for Elementor Pro Form have improved compatibility with JS optimizations, including deferred script loading
* Fix: Content Widget, PHP error when switching "Use content filters" on
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, Carousel, when the Mousewheel option is on the normal page scroll will continue after the carousel edges are reached
* Fix: Views, PHP error with PHP >= 8.1 in some situations
* Fix: ACF Fields, fix fatal error with OEmbed field types in some situations
* Minor fixes
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Reactions: edgars221289
v2.10.4 - 2023/06/20
* Fix: Modals widget, visual glitch when hovering the X closing button
* Fix: Dynamic Email for Elementor Pro Form, [all-fields|!empty] was not working
* Minor Fixes
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Reactions: edgars221289
v2.10.2 - 2023/05/30
* Fix: Provides redundancy for the PHP fix in 2.10.1 to cover some edge cases
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Reactions: edgars221289
v2.9.3 - 2023/04/28
* Tweak: Match Height is now compatible with Elementor's Containers. We initially release this as beta, please try it let us know if you encounter any problem
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, date filters, add a setting to specify if the condition date timezone is UTC or the WordPress settings time zone
* Tweak: The ACF Token is now compatible with Elementor's Loop Grid
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility regression bug in version 2.9.2 involving some triggers
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, with more than one Carousel on the same page, their scrollbars were in conflict in some cases
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, Carousel set in Free Move mode had visual glitches appearing at times
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: added setting 'Results per Page' for the Query Type 'ID List'
* Fix: Conditional Fields, avoid error message flash of content
* Fix: Avoid "Field_Base missing" error appearing in the PHP error logs
* Fix: ACF Slider, some style settings had no effect
* Fix: ACF Repeater widget, JS error in browser console in some cases
* Fix: Items Style didn't work correctly on Accordion Skin after v2.9.1
* Fix: Toolset Relationship didn't retrieve correctly relationship fields
* Minor Fixes
v2.9.1 - 2023/03/27
* Notice: Enhanced Multi-Step for Elementor Pro Form has been marked as legacy and is deprecated. We will not remove it though
* Fix: new ACF Relationship widget didn't work correctly with some skins
* Fix: Items Style didn't work correctly on Accordion Skin
* Fix: JS error caused by Enhanced Multi-Step for Elementor Pro Form
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility, User Roles were missing the Visitor option. It's now included again
* Minor Fixes
v2.8.12 - 2023/03/08
* Notice: In our next release the Elementor's minimum version will be 3.4.0
* Tweak: Fallback content set visibile by default in Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, Posts by the Current User widgets
* Tweak: Favorites widget, it's now possible to reverse the order of the posts when "Preserve Post Order Given" is selected
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps, Add dynamicooo/google-maps/post-link filter for the markers post links
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps, add a new JS event for compatibility with the Borlabs plugin
* Tweak: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro From, added dce-submit-disabled CSS class to the submit button during payment processing
* Tweak: Modals widget, add setting "Set Cookie". It's useful for those who set the cookie manually. When switched off it will only check the cookie but not set it
* Tweak: Modals widget, add a setting for specifying the cookie's name, as it is more reliable than deriving it from the widget ID
* Fix: Views, even if selected, Ajax was disabled for all skins except Slideshow
* Fix: Counter Field for Elementor Pro Form triggered an error when hidden by a field condition
* Fix: Conflict between Modals and Off Canvas Menu widgets
* Minor Fixes
v2.8.11 - 2023/02/18
* Fix: all our carousels didn't work correctly in some cases after the latest update
* Minor Fixes
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Reactions: tatar221
v2.8.7 - 19/01/2023
* Fix: Animated Off Canvas Menu, fixed an issue that caused the menu to open when the side background was not present

v2.8.6 - 18/01/2023
* Notice: from February 28, 2023 Dynamic.ooo will require Elementor > v3.4.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.4.0
* Tweak: Animated Off Canvas Menu, now you can close the menu by clicking outside when not using the side background
* Fix: Skin Carousel, fixed an issue with navigation arrows
* Fix: ACF Slider, the caption was not displayed in the lightbox if there were quotation marks in it
* Fix: the first element on Skin Grid with Filters wasn't showing its posts at startup
* Fix: Dynamic Posts in the Grid with Filters skin was displaying an excessively long list of filters after the last update
* Fix: iFrame widget, fixed an issue that caused the page to break
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, when a user switched from a skin with templates to one that did not support templates, the posts and the "Items" section were no longer visible
* Minor fixes
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Reactions: tatar221