• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.

Release notes​

  • [#10180] Eventbrite integration
  • [#11021] Support Microsoft personal account calendars without a tenant
  • [#10928] Show event hits in back end list
  • [#10942] "error 0 chose at least one ticket" if max ticket = 1 and second booking attempt
  • [#10955] Missing a conformation when canceling a booking from mail
  • [#10965] Assign correct event form menu item with selected calendars
  • [#11013] Import tool should not create calendar when there are no events
  • [#11015] Yearly events are not imported correctly
  • [#11032] Show readmore button when intro text is set
  • [#10988] Unformatted payment statement in Invoice
  • [#10990] JSON.parse error when user has no access to homepage while editing an event
  • [#11019] Mini module show only own events when set in global DPCalendar calendar config
  • [#10991] Location error on google calendar events with no location when location filter is set on the menu item
  • [#11004] CALDAV user sync dont't work
  • [#11011] Timezone switcher doesn't work with Jomsocial
  • [#11012] Example file in the CSV plugin contains invalid end dates
  • [#11014] Incorrect integer warning during CSV import
  • [#11016] Events are duplicated in timeline view, when they have a location with the same id as a calendar
  • [#11020] Avatar error in custom layout when user was deleted
  • [#11025] Pagination in back end for events list is not working on first click
  • [#11028] Calendar shows duplicate entries when a calendar is active and "toggle events" button is clicked
  • [#11030] Array error when sending a ticket from back end on free tickets
  • [#11031] Event links from calendars back end list doesn't work
  • [#11034] Microsoft calendar import crashes with function getId not available error
Released on: Thursday, 13 June 2024 06:44

Release information​

This is a new version of the DPCalendar Joomla extension. If you are a new user, install the Core or Free (when you don't have a subscription) package and the additional extensions you might need. Please also read the release notes for a complete list of changes in this release.
DPCalendar needs the same requirements as Joomla 4.4 and does run nicely within all the major browsers.

Release notes​

  • [#10873] Modal Popup Doesn't work for Custom Upcoming Event Module
  • [#10865] Stripe Unrecognized request URL error
  • [#10868] List view navigation bar not working when Joomla progressive cache enabled
  • [#10870] Field 'element' doesn't have a default value when installing RSform plugin
  • [#10878] Emojis are rendered as square in PDF's
  • [#10879] First option price in bookings is not calculated
  • [#10881] Extensions are not updated after package is installed in the update manager
  • [#10885] Creating a location in a submenu throws an error
  • [#10889] Webservices should throw an error when an event is created with a none existing calendar
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon

Version 8.11.0 Stable​

Released on: Thursday, 27 April 2023

Release notes​

  • [#9898] Integrate external events into SmartSearch when database caching is on
  • [#9865] Add cancel button for event form questions dialog
  • [#9879] Export as CSV/XLSX option for locations
  • [#9883] Include the location room titles information to iCal/ics exported file
  • [#9897] Cache form parsing for YOOtheme Pro source build
  • [#9903] Change empty dates to null in database
  • [#9910] Mini module use advanced multiselect field in list options
  • [#9912] Display logged in username and email in booking form
  • [#9846] Enddate of series changed > Dialog for existing events shown to update but after "no" click alle events are overwritten
  • [#9856] Transfex translation update not updating language files
  • [#9857] Disabling resource visibility for the week with calendar still shows rooms in weekly view
  • [#9864] Regression from 9857, location/s view has javascript error
  • [#9867] Option to require a ticket for a custom field is not shown in the field form
  • [#9869] Setting Locations selection to "All" in Locations View disable list of upcoming events
  • [#9871] CSV can't read multi line cells
  • [#9877] Events CSV export does not export locations
  • [#9880] Check all column is inline with the headers for coupons in the back end list
  • [#9881] The location doesn't preserve the title when saving google event
  • [#9889] Wrong booking closing date crashes form
  • [#9893] When I delete the times, the time fields vanish
  • [#9907] Tickets with "Waiting list" status are not extracted in CSV file
  • [#9908] Mini module week button has no default value
  • [#9909] Mini module min time option has no label
  • Like
Reactions: GinMalibu

Main changes in the 8.7 series​

  • [#9405] Add publishing state to individual payment providers
  • [#9409] Ensure border around DPCalendar select
  • [#9410] Fetch calendars in one request when single selection is disabled
  • [#9413] Support HTML input for PDF top/bottom options
  • [#9418] When a wrong Paypal client ID is set, show the correct error message
  • [#9421] Host should be able to send mail to ticket holders
  • [#9422] QR code invoice mail subject simplification
  • [#9429] Certificate can be downloaded in ticket details view
  • [#9430] State filter for tickets front end list
  • [#9431] Link to users in back end lists
  • [#9433] RSForm!Pro plugin should be able to check for multiple calendars
  • [#9435] Ticket details view has wrong CSS classes for custom fields
  • [#9436] Add option to define the ordering in the tickets list view
  • [#9456] Show status in mailing list for event ticket holders

Release notes​

  • [#9405] Add publishing state to individual payment providers
  • [#9409] Ensure border around DPCalendar select
  • [#9410] Fetch calendars in one request when single selection is disabled
  • [#9413] Support HTML input for PDF top/bottom options
  • [#9418] When a wrong Paypal client ID is set, show the correct error message
  • [#9421] Host should be able to send mail to ticket holders
  • [#9422] QR code invoice mail subject simplification
  • [#9429] Certificate can be downloaded in ticket details view
  • [#9430] State filter for tickets front end list
  • [#9431] Link to users in back end lists
  • [#9433] RSForm!Pro plugin should be able to check for multiple calendars
  • [#9435] Ticket details view has wrong CSS classes for custom fields
  • [#9436] Add option to define the ordering in the tickets list view
  • [#9456] Show status in mailing list for event ticket holders
  • [#9407] On hold bookings do not decrease capacity used counter on cancel/delete
  • [#9412] Trashed tickets do not adapt new state of booking
  • [#9425] There is a already a location with the same title error when there are same locations with different white spaces
  • [#9434] Exchange plugin creates invalid exdate dates
  • [#9438] Error: Unknown fetch type '8'
  • [#9474] Deprecated null warning in back end ticket list
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221

Main changes in the 8.6 series​

  • [#9332] RSForm Pro reservation plugin
  • [#9333] Deliver plugins as own packages to reduce the size of the package files
  • [#9336] Closing date to cancel a booking
  • [#9346] Swiss QR code payment plugin
  • [#9347] Manual plugin should send out it's own invoice
  • [#9349] Able to download a receipt for a booking
  • [#9350] Do not render banking information in booking confirmation page
  • [#9356] Visual steps in booking proces to indicate where the attende is
  • [#9371] DPAttachments plugin which inherits the permissions to the hosts
  • [#8297] Optionally hide button for delete booking if registration date is exceeded
  • [#9330] Add option to hide the capacity in the list views
  • [#9338] Improve strings for book notification option
  • [#9348] Add total page number count to invoices
  • [#9365] Option to define the ordering of bookings
  • [#9373] Order users in invite form alphabetically
  • [#9381] Breadcrumbs of location
  • [#9382] Support the open and expired transaction state for mollie payments
  • [#9396] Add list and map views to the free version

Release notes​

  • [#9332] RSForm Pro reservation plugin
  • [#9333] Deliver plugins as own packages to reduce the size of the package files
  • [#9336] Closing date to cancel a booking
  • [#9346] Swiss QR code payment plugin
  • [#9347] Manual plugin should send out it's own invoice
  • [#9349] Able to download a receipt for a booking
  • [#9350] Do not render banking information in booking confirmation page
  • [#9356] Visual steps in booking proces to indicate where the attende is
  • [#9371] DPAttachments plugin which inherits the permissions to the hosts
  • [#8297] Optionally hide button for delete booking if registration date is exceeded
  • [#9330] Add option to hide the capacity in the list views
  • [#9338] Improve strings for book notification option
  • [#9348] Add total page number count to invoices
  • [#9365] Option to define the ordering of bookings
  • [#9373] Order users in invite form alphabetically
  • [#9381] Breadcrumbs of location
  • [#9382] Support the open and expired transaction state for mollie payments
  • [#9396] Add list and map views to the free version
  • [#9185] Two notification mails are sent out when a manual payment provider is used
  • [#9311] Link to send message to event participant in modal pop up does redirect anywhere
  • [#9319] Indexing events throws a deprecated message on PHP 8.1 when sample data is installed
  • [#9327] Missing language strings for xreference on joomla 4
  • [#9339] Add ticket status checked in to the filter list
  • [#9340] Unpublished ticket filter shows all tickets
  • [#9341] Missing language strings for coupons and taxrates when state changes
  • [#9344] Events are always shown in contact page
  • [#9352] Wrong message when I delete a private calendar
  • [#9354] Call to a member function getState() on bool when cancelling the event form for external events
  • [#9377] When filter is set in the bookings view it shows no events
  • [#9378] Custom fields are not copied to child events on front end in Joomla 4
  • [#9385] External events do show unpublished locations
  • [#9390] Location Save as a Copy throws error when no new title is set
  • [#9395] Deprecated null warning when rendering events with null description
  • [#9357] Incorrect integer value: '' for column `_dpcalendar_bookings`.`user_id` at row 1
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221