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DeepSound - The Ultimate PHP Music Sharing and Streaming System

DeepSound - The Ultimate PHP Music Sharing and Streaming System v1.5.2

v1.5.2 [20/01/2023]​

  • ADDED plugin system, now developers can make plugins for DeepSound and keep your customizations after updates, Read More.
  • FIXED 2+ minor bugs.

v1.5.1 [13/01/2023]​

  • FIXED clicking on username in message section goes to 404.
  • FIXED clicking enter on search bar refreshes the bar.
  • FIXED clicking load more on albums page cause to load albums repeatedly.
  • FIXED webp upload issue.
  • FIXED You can not scroll down in the album songs on the mobile browser.
  • FIXED {{ads}} showing in spotlight page.
  • FIXED when you click on load more in hall of fame page, you get broken profiles.
  • FIXED sometimes broken activities show on artist's page.
  • FIXED some links go to 404.
  • FIXED home page on mobile browser is not full responsive.
  • FIXED upload-song and go-pro page on mobile.
  • FIXED broken home icon showing on nonlogged in header.
  • FIXED 5+ minor bugs.

v1.5 [22/12/2022]​

  • ADDED the ability to update profile picture from settings page for phone users.
  • ADDED new theme for volcano.
  • ADDED the ability to listen to all favourites songs.
  • ADDED the ability to filter events by date.
  • ADDED the ability to customize website default color from admin panel -> design settings.
  • UPDATED Google plus link in footer with Instagram
  • UPDATED upload system, now ffmpeg runs in background, user can browse the website while uploading a song.
  • FIXED if the uploaded songs are not submitted, they remain forever on the server.
  • FIXED 10+ minor bugs.

v1.4.9 [07/10/2022]​

  • ADDED cronjob.php to handle all background processes (required to add).
  • ADDED the ability to disable custom pages.
  • ADDED flutterwave payment method.
  • ADDED the ability to import from https://developer.kkbox.com
  • ADDED developers page, users can login to other websites using DeepSound.
  • ADDED Hindi, Urdu, Chine, Indonesian, Croatian, Hebrew, Bengali, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Persian, Swedish, Vietnamese, Danish, and Filipino languages.
  • ADDED emojis on messenger.
  • ADDED reserved usernames system, block certain usernames.
  • ADDED system status to detect problems on server.
  • FIXED mouse right click -> paste not triggering save action in admin panel inputs.
  • FIXED social network links not showing on footer.
  • FIXED default currency not showing on songs and products.
  • FIXED stories views not working.
  • FIXED sitemap hanging on please wait.
  • FIXED album thumbnail upload, songs thumbnail not uploading.
  • FIXED social login for vk, linkedin, mailru and discord.
  • FIXED automatic thumbnail when uploading an album.
  • FIXED automatic description when uploading an album.
  • FIXED dropdown menu broken on mobile.
  • FIXED footer in in volcano welcome page.
  • FIXED 3 minor bugs.
  • Like
Reactions: raz0r