• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
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BricksUltimate 1.7.3 NULLED

Released 1.6 on 18th April 2024

* New element – Checkout Builder
* [Checkout(RC)] – Order Total Wrapper, Shipping Address Selector and Cart Cost elements
* Bug Fixed – Wishlist and Compare items are not deleting if the WooCommerce plugin is deactivated.
* New element condition – Cookie
* Improved – Billing Address Selector element
* Added – a few new template files(JSON)
= 1.5.23 - 2024-03-26 =

* [Checkout(Beta)] – Improves Shipping Methods and Billing Address Selector elements
* [Checkout(Beta)] – New element Place Order Button
* [Checkout(Beta)] – New element Payment Methods
* Added – French translation files(.po and .mo files)
* Improved – Order Total dynamic data tag. Now you can use it on the Cart and Checkout pages.
* Fixed – JS and CSS issues in the Cart Counter element
= 1.5.22 - 2024-03-15 =

* Improve - Checkout - Beta
* Improve - Swatches functionality
* Fixed - PHP warnings
= 1.5.21 - 2024-03-13 =
* Improve - Swatches for Loop element
* Add - "Filter by meta" field feature in the AJAX Search element
* Add - "Beta" text in the Checkout builder functionality
= - 2024-03-10 =

* Fixed - PHP Fatal error
Released 1.5.17 on 26th February, 2024
* New element – Checkout BuilderBeta. Do not use it on the production site.
* Improved – Business Hours element.
* Improved – AJAX Search Form element. Added the View All Results button functionality.
* Added the Checkout settings under the MISC tab.
= 1.5.10 - 2024-02-02 =

* Improve - Swatches functionality
* Add - a new feature: Show only text based swatches
* Add - new settings under the MISC tab about the swatches
= 1.5.4 - 2024-01-13 =

* New element – AJAX Search Form is supporting the multiple query layouts
* Fixed – JS issue in the Off-Canvas element
* Added – .po and .mo file in languages folder
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
= 1.5.1 - 2023-11-13 =

* Modified the Business Hours element
* Fixed - Flex Gallery element. Grid layout is not working properly.
* New loop builder providers - Posts Years and Coupons(woo)
* Added new dynamic tags
* Improved Countdown element. It is supporting the coupon expiry date.