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Bopo – WooCommerce Product Bundle Builder – Build Your Own Box

Bopo – WooCommerce Product Bundle Builder – Build Your Own Box 1.1.0

/**1.1.0 - 2023.08.08**/
- Updated: Add filter bopobb_item_gallery_size to edit gallery image size
- Updated: Set bundle shortcode template to setting template if input template is empty
- Updated: Price range calculate with discount price and exclude optional item
- Updated: Share bundle in shortcode
- Updated: Conflict with Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
- Updated: Add option to use custom meta field: bopobb_min_price, bopobb_max_price to display range price of the bundle
- Updated: Add shortcode param redirect, input blank value to stay current page after add to cart
- Updated: Compatible with High-Performance order storage (COT)
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Reactions: edgars221289
/**1.0.6 - 2023.04.13**/
- Fixed: Conflict with Theme Porto about bundle price on archive page
- Fixed: Conflict with Theme Divi
- Fixed: Conflict with Theme Vapier
- Fixed: Load un purchasable product when initializing the bundle
- Fixed: Error when load popup
- Fixed: Error when include/exclude variation of bundle
- Updated: Add some description option
- Updated: Load delay scripts to init bundle
- Updated: Option image size on bundle popup
- Updated: Option to load variations product if current selector is a variation
- Updated: Add filter for stripe payment on bundle
- Updated: Add Item fixed price option for bundle
- Updated: Add Block image bundle template
- Updated: Add option for image border on bundle
- Updated: Add social share option for bundle
- Updated: Add print option for bundle
- Updated: Add a custom title option for each item of the bundle
- Updated: Ignore conditional tag effect with shortcode