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BookingPress Pro - Appointment Booking plugin

BookingPress Pro - Appointment Booking plugin 3.9.7 NULLED

Version 3.6 (20 April 2024)

  • Added new functionality to import/export data from one website to another
  • Added support for the PGK currency
  • Added built-in language translations for Polish, Turkish, Dutch, Romanian, and Ukrainian
  • Improved: The login form now supports the Enter key to log in
  • Improved: Hide custom field details in the appointments expand view if the field visibility is hidden or conditional
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.5.1 ( 01 April 2024 )

  • Fixed repeat holiday issues with Day service
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.5 ( 23 March 2024 )

  • New: Added facility to set holidays for particular services
  • New: Added facility to prefill basic form field data with URL parameters
  • New: Added facility to change default BookingPress loader in frontend
  • Fixed: Number of persons not displayed in the exported CSV file of the appointments.
  • Fixed: Timeslot formatting is not proper with certain languages
  • Fixed: Share time slot along with category issue with day services
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 3.4 (02 March 2024)

  • New: Added facility to repeat holidays ( General & Staff members’ ) with multiple options
  • New: Added facility to set minimum capacity with Multiple Quantity module
  • New: Added facility to set service start date
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.3.2 (17 February, 2024)

  • Fixed: Holiday Calendar is not displayed properly with certain timezones
  • Fixed: Decimal price throws an error with the Stripe payment gateway with a certain scenario
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.3.1 (31 January, 2024)

  • SMTP Username & Password settings are now optional ( for certain hosting providers that doesn’t require them)
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.3 (25 January, 2024)

  • New: Added new repeater field when multiple quantity module is enabled.
  • New: Added facility to set Discount (coupon) Code title
  • Fixed: share timeslot between all services across category not working with cart
  • Fixed: days got blocked when last slot get booked with any staff member option
  • Fixed: sorting on appointment grid not proper with amount and appointment duration
  • Fixed: due amount displayed incorrect in payment screen
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.2.2 ( 27 December, 2023 )

  • Added: Created Date in exported appointments CSV file
  • Fixed: The backend date range picker is not proper in the mobile view
  • Fixed: backend calendar rendering issue with the first day of the week set to ‘Sunday’
  • Fixed: service buffer time conflicts with certain timeslot step settings
  • Fixed: The service extra’s duration doesn’t get included in the appointments grid
  • Fixed: Date picker and dropdown styling issue
  • Frontend & Backend Performance Optimization
  • Other minor bug fixes