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Avada | Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce

Avada | Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce 7.11.10 NULLED

Version 7.9.2 - January 17th, 2023
- NEW: Added post lock functionality and info box to Live Editor if someone else is already editing a certain post
- NEW: Added functionality to automatically invalidate critical CSS on major updates, to avoid CSS conflicts
- NEW: Added an option to enable cloning of Avada's standard post types
- NEW: Added option to conditional rendering based on available HTML heading tags within post content
- NEW: Added more animation trigger options to Lottie element, including scroll and cursor move
- NEW: Added an option to close sub-menus when clicking outside, to Menu element when using click mode
- NEW: Added wavy separator styling and options to Separator element
- NEW: Added a full typography settings option to the Tagline Box element title
- NEW: Added dropcap options to the Content element
- NEW: Added responsive column control to Gallery element
- NEW: Added option to set a min and max date for the Date Field element of Avada Forms
- NEW: Added a user role option for Avada Form submissions
- IMPROVEMENT: Added submission ID, date, and time to the Avada Forms export
- IMPROVEMENT: Show password icon is now displayed on the WooCommer My Account login page
- IMPROVEMENT: If form background is transparent, the select field option background will be auto set, depending on label color
- COMPATIBILITY: Updated structure of how checkbox values in Avada Forms are sent to HubSpot
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed layout builder not working with FlexMLS IDX plugin
- FIXED: Tagline Box element heading not correctly using the h2 Global Option size
- FIXED: Hide scrollbar option in Off Canvas settings not working
- FIXED: Scrollbar handle color option not working correctly for Off Canvas
- FIXED: Sliding bar responsive width option not working for Off Canvas
- FIXED: Sliding bar pus transition not working for RTL languages
- FIXED: Thumbnails in Mega Menus not being displayed correctly
- FIXED: Mega Menu position sometimes being incorrect in Firefox
- FIXED: Continue button missing in the WooCommerce Checkout Tabs element
- FIXED: Duplicate filter in WooCommerce Cart Coupon element
- FIXED: Review tab using link color instead of body font color in WooCommerce Tabs element
- FIXED: Responsive columns option not working correctly for Post Cards element
- FIXED: Bottom shadow of Image element being displayed incorrectly when image width is smaller than the container
- FIXED: Recent Posts widget border missing on front-end
- FIXED: Text transform not working for the backside heading of Flip Boxes element
- FIXED: Styling of Navigation Menu widget indentation
- FIXED: Numeric counter type in Table Of Contents element not working in Safari
- FIXED: Auto height not working in Image Carousel element
- FIXED: Caption typography not working in Image element
- FIXED: Top and bottom margin Global Options defaults not being used in the Column element
- FIXED: Text decoration not being excluded from menus on legacy headers if set in Global Options
- FIXED: Avada Slider title/caption having incorrect default color
- FIXED: Alignment of popover in Image Hotspot element
- FIXED: Blog Sidebar name translation issue causing reset on back-end editor
- FIXED: Disabling Avada Builder for the editor role causing column issue with meta boxes on back-end edit screens
- FIXED: Yoast SEO content analysis incorrectly prepending Avada form notices to the back-end edit screens on pages that use forms
- FIXED: Icon position being incorrect for Date, Select, Time, and Textarea elements in Live Editor
- FIXED: Container element margin/padding drag handles also affecting nested Container elements in Live Editor
- FIXED: Responsive grid columns CSS not working in Live Editor
- FIXED: Gallery element not being responsive in Live Editor when checking medium or small preview
- FIXED: CSS filter options to live updating for Column element in Live Editor
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Reactions: mo0nlight and ogi17
Version 7.9.1 - December 20th, 2022
- SECURITY: Fixed a remote code execution issue in class-fusion-dynamic-datacallbacks.php, which can only be done through an authenticated user having access to nonces.
- NEW: Added column alignment option to the Image Carousel element
- IMPROVEMENT: Description option of Consent element in Avada Forms now supporting HTML
- IMPROVEMENT: ToC element now auto scrolls to the correct heading ID if one is used in the URL
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.2.1
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed a missing form label and the text on the legacy WooCommerce Cart page
- FIXED: Font size adjustments for h2 headings not being correctly applied for several elements
- FIXED: Title element not respecting global style type option leading to unneeded markup being added to the DOM
- FIXED: Color of h2 and h3 headings in Avada Slider being incorrectly white not respecting the set color
- FIXED: WordPress block styles creating borders around Avada Forms (no more need to turn block styles off)
- FIXED: Yoast SEO content analysis incorrectly prepending Avada form notices to the back-end edit screens
- FIXED: Width option of Off-Canvas settings showing several times responsive options shown when not active)
- FIXED: Carousel auto-play causing display issue when fewer elements are available than are set in the number of elements option
- FIXED: Global border width option of Flip Box element not working
- FIXED: Column spacing and margins not always correct when using legacy Container element
- FIXED: Legacy color preset of Button element not working correctly
- FIXED: Post Card Cart element always adding default product to cart even if not all needed attributes have been chosen in product Post Cards
- FIXED: Color reveal animation color being incorrect in the Column element
- FIXED: Avada Forms Radio fields not being selectable correctly
- FIXED: Font size of linked headings being incorrect in Circle Info element when using em as unit
- FIXED: Menu description text not being displayed in the sub-menu items
- FIXED: Mega menu alignment being incorrect when Menu is displayed only in sticky header
- FIXED: Carousels not respecting the maximum columns option if its value is 1
- FIXED: Single blog posts and event tickets boxes not correctly displaying when using The Events Calendar
- FIXED: PHP warning on the WooCommerce shop page when using Post Cards element The Events Calendar being active
- FIXED: Custom icon set icons used in Global Options social icons not working on Social Links and Person element
- FIXED: Image max width option not working in Flip Boxes element
- FIXED: WooCommerce original price strikethrough not being correctly positioned on product rollovers
- FIXED: Anchor links not always closing the Menu element correctly
- FIXED: PHP notice in Lottie element and in Avada Slider
- FIXED: Double slashes in a few asset file paths
- FIXED: Drag & drop ordering changes of Columns not working for mobile mode of the Live Editor
- FIXED: Counter Boxes not displaying correctly in Live Editor when more than 5 columns are used
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Reactions: MAXAM
Version 7.9 - December 14th, 2022
Avada 7.9 introduces the new Mega Menu builder, maintenance & coming soon mode, a role manager for Avada features,
5 new elements, including Table Of Contents, and a ton of new design and layout features, like link text decoration,
button text hover effects, Layout Cards re-order or new full-screen scrolling section animation.
And there is so much more. See it all below.

See the promo video here:

- NEW: Added a full Mega Menu builder, using the builder UI and saving to the Library for easy re-use
- NEW: Added maintenance and coming soon mode incl. settings
- NEW: Added a user role manager to easily manage which user roles have access to the different areas of Avada
- NEW: Added Table Of Contents element with various design options to easily auto-render all headings on a post/page
- NEW: Added options to display text decorations (like underline) to text links across the site
- NEW: Added the possibility to re-order Avada Layout cards
- NEW: Added several advanced transition animation options to full-screen scrolling sections
- NEW: Added a Submenu element with full set of design options for easy usage in the new Mega Menu builder
- NEW: Added Circle Info element allowing stylish and interactive presentation of short blocks of content
- NEW: Added Stripe Button element for easily selling products through Stripe
- NEW: Added text hover effects to Button element
- NEW: Added advanced transform options, both regular and hover to Column and Nested Columns element
- NEW: Added a new color swipe animation type to all element Animations
- NEW: Added a delay option to all element animations
- NEW: Added mouse scroll design options to Post Cards element
- NEW: Added extensive options for easy styling of navigation in Post Cards element
- NEW: Added image sorting option to the Image Carousel element
- NEW: Added an option to disable the post name on breadcrumbs
- NEW: Added a form label font size option to Avada Forms
- NEW: Added a Live Editor preview background color option for Avada Forms
- NEW: Added Consent Field element to Avada Forms to easily get explicit or implicit user consent
- NEW: Added support for HubSpot's advanced GDPR tools to Avada Forms
- NEW: Added support for passing data to Mailchimp depending on the new Consent Field element in Avada Forms
- NEW: Added option to Avada Forms Password element to show a password reveal icon
- NEW: Added new "must match" options to Avada Forms Email and Password elements to enable classic sign-up forms
- NEW: Added a starting value option to Avada Forms Text and Email elements
- NEW: Added options for ordered lists to the Checklist element
- NEW: Added more icon-related child options to the Checklist element
- NEW: Added border radius option and responsive padding options to Tabs element
- NEW: Added global padding option to the Sharing Box element
- NEW: Added padding options to Toggle and FAQ elements
- NEW: Added options to style the Load More button in Post Card Archives element
- NEW: Added options to have stacked sub-menu mode and additional preferences to Menu element when used in vertical mode
- NEW: Added option to the Menu element, that allows choosing between Toggle and Accordion mode when opening sub-menus on mobile
- NEW: Added link color and target, height, typography, and border-radius settings to the Newsticker element
- NEW: Added margin options to the individual boxes of the Content Boxes element
- NEW: Added z-index option to Off-Canvas
- NEW: Added an option to display "All Events" link on single Events Calendar posts
- NEW: Added Snapchat to social links
- NEW: Added user avatar to dynamic data options
- NEW: Added support for ACF select field (multi) in dynamic data options
- NEW: Added comment status and comment count to the conditional rendering engine
- NEW: Added a filter for easy extension of conditional rendering
- NEW: Added a filter for easy extension of Avada Forms actions
- NEW: Added a filter for file upload handling in Avada Forms
- NEW: Added a filter to prevent dynamic CSS generation
- PERFORMANCE: On new installs, nothing related to WP legacy widgets will be loaded anymore
- PERFORMANCE: Refactored 60+ elements to avoid style blocks in markup and improve loading
- PERFORMANCE: Added an option to WooCommerce Product Images element to skip lazy loading
- PERFORMANCE: The fusion_builder_map() function is now being skipped on the front end for all elements
- PERFORMANCE: Simplified and reduced the CSS output for the Container element link color options
- PERFORMANCE: Custom icon fonts now using the Font Face Rendering option
- PERFORMANCE: Removed several WP block-related scripts from front-end, when block styles are turned off
- PERFORMANCE: Removed WooCommerce blocks styles from front-end, when block styles are turned off
- SEO: Added content analysis integration for Yoast SEO and Rank Maths to the back-end posts/pages
- SEO: Added paragraph (p) HTML tag to title tag selection options
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed HTML markup for boxed mode and sliding bar when they are turned off
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure that form fields are no longer cleared out when a submission error occurs
- IMPROVEMENT: Post Card Image placeholders will now respect the aspect ratio setting
- IMPROVEMENT: Image and Gallery elements are now being taken into account for reading time when using the Meta element
- IMPROVEMENT: Increased the number of images maximum in the Flickr element to 500
- IMPROVEMENT: Added better handling for add form errors in HubSpot when using Avada Forms
- IMPROVEMENT: Added consistent icons to the Portfolio and FAQ post-type menus in the WP dashboard
- IMPROVEMENT: Placeholders in Post Card Image element now also follow the set aspect ratio
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure range slider options update directly on change and not on key-up events
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed element maximum limits
- IMPROVEMENT: Better wrapping of long names of containers and templates in the library section of the editor
- IMPROVEMENT: Generated critical CSS will no longer be loaded in the Live Editor
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.1+
- UPDATED: Compatibility with The Events Calendar 6.0+
- UPDATED: HubSpot form submission handling for better compatibility
- UPDATED: Replaced the old carousel JS library with a new, lightweight, and modern library
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed aria-label and role of the filter items
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce One Page Checkout plugin not updating values when adjusting quantity through Buttons
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed global footer layout not working when using Woocommerce Frontend Manager
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin not working with product layouts
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed search for multiple post types being redirected to the Events Calendar results page when events is one of the CPT
- FIXED: Twitter element not working
- FIXED: Usage of deprecated, fixed WooCommerce image size
- FIXED: WooCommerce product gallery images not displaying correctly on RTL sites in WebKit browsers
- FIXED: WooCommerce stripe button not available on checkout pages when using layouts
- FIXED: WooCommerce SKU not being correctly updated on variable products when SKU is used more than once
- FIXED: Styling and quantity update issue on Events Calendar ticket pages
- FIXED: Styling issue with the new Events Calendar event series
- FIXED: Styling issue with the new Events Calendar community events
- FIXED: Search results for Events Calendar events not being displayed on main events page
- FIXED: Custom icon sets not working in the Vertical Menu widget
- FIXED: Animations not working correctly in a few elements
- FIXED: Link expiration issue when using WP login forms in some cases
- FIXED: Side header anchor scroll not highlighting correct menu item when using a side-header layout
- FIXED: Date format not being picked from "General" settings when option is left empty in Related Posts element
- FIXED: Undefined variable notice in Content Boxes element and Avada Forms
- FIXED: Line breaks not working in Avada Forms Textarea Field if name is not the auto "textarea"
- FIXED: Avada Forms Select element arrow not respecting border sizes
- FIXED: JS error occurring on Avada Forms submission when using Hidden Field element with empty value
- FIXED: Avada Forms backend entries only display a single value for checkbox field even when multiple values were submitted
- FIXED: Placeholder values being displayed in custom email replies if no values are set in Avada Forms
- FIXED: Layout Builder override is incorrectly being used when having a post with layout as first post on dedicated blog page
- FIXED: FAQ element title color option not working
- FIXED: Color variables not always being correct when using critical CSS
- FIXED: Rotating icon option not working correctly when icon circle is off in Icon element
- FIXED: Carousel navigation box color not working in Image Carousel element
- FIXED: Cloned layout sections having incorrect edit URLs
- FIXED: Duplicate margin options in the Widget element
- FIXED: Fatal error on legacy search page when Checklist element is deactivated
- FIXED: First item in Checklist element having no top padding, even if a background color is used
- FIXED: Masonry layout incorrectly positioning postcards in Post Card Archives when using AJAX loading
- FIXED: Reading time being incorrect in some instances in the Meta element
- FIXED: Fatal error on post edit screens when Avada is disabled but builder plugin is active
- FIXED: Liftup animation in Image element not working correctly when using max-width and image aspect ratio settings
- FIXED: Video facade option not working correctly when using videos in portrait mode
- FIXED: Lightbox on mobile not auto-opening on load when using deep links
- FIXED: SVG image upload not working correctly in the Setup Wizard
- FIXED: JS error in User Login element when using v2 reCaptcha
- FIXED: Sprintf error with % symbol in off canvas title
- FIXED: Counter Circles not fully centered because of separating margins
- FIXED: Product number option not updating correctly in WooCommerce Sorting element
- FIXED: Product postcards changing incorrectly in Live Editor, when changing option after refresh
- FIXED: Focus trap missing from icon picker options, which leads to Live Editor content being pushed up a few pixels in some cases
- FIXED: A few styling issues in dark mode of the Live Editor
- FIXED: Extra space displaying and load more button missing in Gallery element in Live Editor when more images are loaded than are displaying
- FIXED: Off-canvas z-index being incorrect in Live Editor when using parallax footer
- FIXED: Hover effect of Content Boxes element not being correct in Live Editor in some cases
- FIXED: Margin picker handles being hidden when editing a Column in Live Editor that uses border-radius
- FIXED: Separator not being correctly hidden in Post Cards element in Live Editor if number of columns is set to 0
- FIXED: Inline column width options missing from Nested Columns element
- FIXED: Upload element icon alignment in Live Editor of Avada Forms
- FIXED: Global option changes that trigger a default update including AJAX callback not re-rendering elements in Live Editor
- FIXED: Nested Columns not being editable when being inside a sticky Container in Live Editor
- FIXED: Settings panel of child elements added through the add image button in Gallery element not working
- FIXED: Post type for being wrong for Post Cards and Mega Menus in Live Editor
- FIXED: Repeater row for custom fonts section requiring two clicks to remove an item in the Live Editor
- FIXED: Preview frame of Live Editor shifting up when changing last element option of a tab using TAB key
- FIXED: Notification tab being empty in Live Editor for newly created forms
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Version 7.8.2 - September 21st, 2022
- SECURITY: Fixed CSRF (cross site request forgery) vulnerability in Avada's class-avada-admin.php