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Auto Image Attributes Pro

Auto Image Attributes Pro 4.5 NULLED

= 4.5 =
Date: 15.March.2024.
Tested with WordPress 6.5.
Tested with PHP 8.3.0.
  • Enhancement: Added checks to use the correct filename for image attributes when an image file is renamed.
  • Enhancement: Added checks to prevent fatal error if the Action Scheduler loaded is prior to version 3.3.0.
= 4.4 =
* Date: 09.November.2023.
* Tested with WordPress 6.4.1.

* New Feature: Display and [edit image attributes directly in Media Library](https://imageattributespro.com/media-library-bulk-editing/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme) columns (list view).
* Enhancement: Limit the display of [Event Log](https://imageattributespro.com/event-log/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme) to the most recent 10,000 entries from the log file. This prevents abnormal UI load time on websites with huge Event Log files.
* Enhancement: Remove trailing hyphens (if any) after cleaning image filenames using the Advanced and custom filter during a new image upload.
* UX Enhancement: Improved messaging when base plugin is not installed and activated.
* Bug fix: Handle edge cases were Image Attributes Pro is not loaded when a post is saved.
= 4.3.1 =
* Date: 11.October.2023.
* Tested with WordPress 6.3.1.
* Tested with PHP 8.2.10.

* Updated action scheduler to 3.6.3.
* Updated plugin update checker to version 5.2.
= 4.3 =
* Date: 25.April.2023.

* New Feature: Choose where to update image title and alt text while running the Bulk Updater. Image attributes can be updated in Media Library, post HTML, or both. What's the difference? Read: [Understanding How WordPress Store Image Attributes](https://imageattributespro.com/how-wordpress-store-image-attributes/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme).
* New Feature: Added option to automatically copy image attributes from Media Library to post HTML while updating in Media Library. When enabled, any changes made to image attributes in the media library will be automatically synced to the corresponding post HTML. [Read more.](https://imageattributespro.com/auto-copy-image-attributes-to-post-html-from-media-library/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme)
* New Feature: Added option to automatically update image attributes on post publish or update. Ensures that the image attributes are always consistent with settings. [Read more.](https://imageattributespro.com/update-image-attributes-on-save-post/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme)
* New Feature: Save image caption added in the Gutenberg editor to the Media Library for new image uploads.
* New Custom Attribute: `%copymedialibrary%` to copy image attributes from Media Library to the post / product HTML in bulk.
* New Custom Attribute: `%imagetitle%`, `%imagealttext%`, `%imagecaption%` and `%imagedescription%`, for image title, alt text, caption and description respectively. This can be used to copy one attribute to other. For example, use `%imagedescription%` as image alt text to copy image description to alt text in bulk. [Read more.](https://imageattributespro.com/copy-description-to-alt-text-in-bulk/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme)
* Enhancement: Remove orphan separators while generating custom attributes. If your attribute ends with a hyphen (-) or pipe symbol (|), it will be trimmed off. Can be filtered with [iaffpro_custom_attribute_tag_trim_list](https://imageattributespro.com/codex/iaffpro_custom_attribute_tag_trim_list/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme).
* Enhancement: `!important` Developers please note: The third argument of `iaffpro_get_custom_attribute_tag_{%tagname%}()` is changed to an array. Please [refer documentation](https://imageattributespro.com/codex/iaffpro_get_custom_attribute_tag_tagname/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme) if you have used this function to define your own custom attribute tags.
* UI Enhancement: Simplified UI by removing `Filter Settings` and `Custom Filter` from `Bulk Updater Settings`. The bulk updater will use the same filters from the `Advanced` settings from here on.
* UI Enhancement: Removed `Capitalization Settings` from `Bulk Updater Settings`. The bulk updater will use the capitalization settings from the `Advanced` settings from here on.
* UI Enhancement: Simplified UI for image attributes by removing the image attribute configuration in `Bulk Updater Settings`. The image attributes you set in the `Advanced` settings will be used by the bulk updater from here on.
* UI Enhancement: Hide attribute settings that are not selected in `General Settings` of `Bulk Updater Settings`. Makes the UI cleaner and easier to use.
* UI Enhancement: Copy custom attributes to all settings in one click using the new `Copy to all attributes` link in settings.
* Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where special characters were being replaced by their unicode values.
= 4.2 =
  • Date: 28.March.2023.
  • Tested with WordPress 6.2.
  • New Feature: Compatibility with Advanced Custom Fields plugin to update image attributes in ACF’s WYSIWYG editor. Learn more.
  • New Feature: Compatibility with Divi theme to update image attributes in Divi modules. Learn more.
  • New Custom Attribute: `%yoastseotitle%` to use Yoast SEO Title as image attributes. Learn more.
  • Enhancement: The bulk updater is now faster by intelligently varying the batch size as per server performance and available resources.
  • Enhancement: Updated default batch size of bulk updater to 20.
  • UI Enhancement: Automatically redirect to license information page on plugin activation.

thanks for update - @ukraine
= 4.1 =
* Date: 01.February.2023.

* New Feature: Set image attributes automatically after importing WooCommerce products from a CSV file using the [WooCommerce product import feature](https://imageattributespro.com/bulk-update-alt-text-image-title-woocommerce/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme#csv-product-imports).
* New Feature: Update image attributes of a single Image, Post, Page or WooCommerce Product using the "Update image attributes" row action in the Media Library, Post, Page and WooCommerce Product list. [Read more.](https://imageattributespro.com/row-actions/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme)
* New Feature: Update image attributes from Post, Page or Product Editor directly using the new [Image Attributes Pro meta box](https://imageattributespro.com/posts-pages-products-meta-box/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme).
* New Filter: [iaffpro_bu_batch_size](https://imageattributespro.com/codex/iaffpro_bu_batch_size/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme). Use this filter to modify the batch size of the bulk updater of Image Attributes Pro. This filter can be used to increase or decrease the default batch size.
* Enhancement: Added a button to delete [Bulk Updater Event Log](https://imageattributespro.com/event-log/?utm_source=iap&utm_medium=readme) file.
* Enhancement: Add alt text even when `alt=""` placeholder is missing from image markup.
* Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where updating attributes using the Media Library Meta Box was not reflecting in the post HTML in certain cases.
= 3.2 =
* Date: 10.November.2022.
* Tested with WordPress 6.1.
* New Feature: Added support for external images. Image Attributes Pro can now update image attributes of external images used within posts / products.
* New Custom Attribute: `%excerpt%` to add post excerpt or WooCommerce product short description as image attribute.
* Enhancement: Added space after comma for Rank Math focus keywords. Previously multiple focus keywords were separated only by a comma.
* Enhancement: Display [Image Attributes Pro meta box](https://imageattributespro.com/media-library-meta-box/) in Media Library only for images.
* Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where backslashes were stripped out of post content while updating image attributes.
* Bug Fix: Fixed a PHP error that occurred while loading [Image Attributes Pro meta box](https://imageattributespro.com/media-library-meta-box/) for non-images in the media library.