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ArcHub - Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme

ArcHub - Architecture and Interior Design WordPress Theme 1.2.7 NULLED

1.2.7 - 23 Jul 2024
FIXED Header issues when using old section widgets
1.2.6 - 22 Jul 2024
NEW Mailchimp translate strings option
NEW Potfolio Single meta typography
ENHANCEMENT Search label for SEO
ENHANCEMENT Sticky Header dynamic colors
ENHANCEMENT Custom Animations
ENHANCEMENT Theme Options Style
FIXED WooCommerce checkout select fields not working
FIXED Button scroll to section below not working
FIXED Search page style default
FIXED Deeplink tabs not working
FIXED Localscroll speed option not working
FIXED Header Dynamic color not working over titlebar
FIXED Text Widget render issue
FIXED Process box svg icons size and color issues
FIXED Banner Bananas not working in some cases
FIXED Elementor PHP Errors
  • Love
Reactions: gumonk

19 Feb 2024​

ENHANCEMENT ReduxCore Updates
FIXED Gallery Styling
FIXED Sticky Header on Mobile
FIXED Post Types
FIXED Portfolio Post Formats not working
FIXED Portfolio filters style not working
FIXED Carousel Dots alignment
FIXED Blog Widget external link not working
1.2.4 - 9 Nov 2023
NEW Load Google Fonts Locally (Theme Options > Typography)
ENHANCEMENT Disable on mobile option for interactive swap
ENHANCEMENT Updated mask slider animation
ENHANCEMENT Mask slider load image in full resolution
ENHANCEMENT Added HTML tag option to Team Memeber
ENHANCEMENT Added HTML tag option to Hotspot
ENHANCEMENT Added HTML tag option to Potfolio
FIXED Animated borders not working
FIXED Post formats not working
FIXED Post styles broken on the search page
FIXED Fullscreen nav wrong position in stickybar
FIXED Highlight not visible
FIXED Cart item count not working
FIXED Animated frame widget URL new window not working
FIXED Elementor Templates Page is blank

17 Aug 2023​

ENHANCEMENT Added blog options for search results
ENHANCEMENT Added slideshow content background option
ENHANCEMENT Disable interactive swap on mobile
ENHANCEMENT Blog widget - added loading and loaded text option
ENHANCEMENT Disable interactive swap on mobile
ENHANCEMENT Removed gallery thumbnail lightbox trigger
FIXED Elementor editor is not opening
FIXED Megamenu not visible in mobile nav
FIXED Asymmetric slider height issues
FIXED Sticky header js error when liquid content not present
FIXED Blog page double header
FIXED 404 page responsive issue
FIXED Masonry not working in Elementor custom layouts
FIXED Sidebar always show on Elementor
FIXED Image comparison not working in elmentor nested tabs
FIXED Filters not working on pf widget on mobile
FIXED Tabs deeplink scroll
FIXED PHP8 errors
FIXED Post excerpt lenght option not working
FIXED Translated page critical error
FIXED Image text slider font size issue
FIXED Carousel cell classnames conflict
FIXED Team member link attr
FIXED Iconbox link custom attr
FIXED Filters not working on pf widget on mobile
FIXED Slideshow issue on mobile & tablet

31 March 2023​

ENHANCEMENTNewsletter widget mailchimp tags option
ENHANCEMENTAdded autoplay to fullsceen project if there's only 1 item
ENHANCEMENTAdded marquee pause on hover options
ENHANCEMENTMobile trigger styling
ENHANCEMENTElementor Editor UI
FIXEDCustom product layout not applying
FIXEDCarouel stack with different item heights
FIXEDParticles not working when use as bg activated
FIXEDDouble mobile header issue
FIXEDCarousel resize issues
FIXEDDuplicated carousel dots in product page
FIXEDPortfolio Widget ajax button text option
FIXEDMegamenu hover issues
FIXEDLiquid Text Widget link attr
FIXEDLiquid Image Widget link attr
  • Love
Reactions: gumonk
1.2.1 - 16 March 2023
  • FIXED Elementor Flexbox Container is not enabled
  • Love
Reactions: gumonk
1.2 - 15 March 2023
NEW New demos: Classic One, Two, Three, Four and Five
NEW Liquid Template Widget
NEW Liquid Text - Advanced Text option
NEW Reset Wordpress - Dashboard > Liquid > Reset
ENHANCEMENT ArcHub Collection loading screen
ENHANCEMENT Carousel Widget gallery bg overlay option
ENHANCEMENT Iconbox Widget show button on hover option
ENHANCEMENT Iconbox Widget SVG background hover color option
ENHANCEMENT Liquid Templates Menu - All liquid templates merged into one menu
ENHANCEMENT Local scroll
ENHANCEMENT Marquee pause on hover options
ENHANCEMENT Porfolio Widget Style04 column option
ENHANCEMENT Portfolio Widget filter
ENHANCEMENT Updated WooCommerce Templates
FIXED Back to top not working in pf pages
FIXED Blog Widget excerpt lenght not working
FIXED Header not visible on other languages
FIXED Mobile menu trigger button style
FIXED Newsletter Widget empty id error
FIXED Porfolio page broken
1.1.5 - 10 Feb 2023
ENHANCEMENT Asymmetric slider autoplay option added
ENHANCEMENT Carousel improvements
ENHANCEMENT Demo importer UI
ENHANCEMENT FontAwesome v5 loader option
ENHANCEMENT Force Footer option added
ENHANCEMENT Page Blocks on mobile
ENHANCEMENT Updated WooCommerce templates
ENHANCEMENT WooCommerce Ajax Filter
FIXED Dashboard message is missing
FIXED Header not visible
FIXED Marquee issues on ios
FIXED Megamenu background not working with global colors
FIXED Portfolio list breaks page
FIXED Portfolio Single Related category typography
FIXED Slideshow element on ios
FIXED Slideshow title positioning
FIXED Titlebar alignment toggle option