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Agon - Laravel Multipurpose Agency Script Codecanyon

Agon - Laravel Multipurpose Agency Script Codecanyon 1.16.0 NULLED

Version 1.16.0 – Aug 10, 2024​

- Fix wishlist issue
- Fix missing translations & icon in vendor rejected email
- Fix auth form UI if it has no banner image
- Fix multi-language for store settings
- Fix missing custom fields in contact email
- Fix download example CSV in product importer when using multi-language
- Fix bug coupon amount incorrect when disabling tax
- Fix issue with no scrolling when the menu is long on mobile devices
- Add product import/export in vendor dashboard
- Add import/export product categories
- Add option to update existing products while importing them from CSV/Excel
- Add option to disable physical product when enabling digital product
- Add option to select attributes when generating product variations
- Add missing payment info when changing incomplete orders to complete
- Add payment logs to keep history of all payments
- Add option to notify buyer about new digital product update
- Add option to keep original file size and quality when uploading to server
- Add brand name in UI block Ecommerce Brands
- Add shortcode Ecommerce Collections
- Add ad full width style
- Add audio shortcode
- Add product video
- Add payout invoice
- Add theme option to disable bottom menu bar on mobile
- Add option to change thumbnail crop position
- Add option to hide media files for other users
- Add option to disable vendor document verification
- Add store name on coupon if it's created by a vendor
- Add option to set default country at the checkout page
- Add option to make phone number required during registration
- Add Backblaze cloud storage support
- Add more social login button styles
- Add option to disable thumbnails generation when uploading images
- Display announcement on mobile view
- Display digital product downloads info in order detail page
- Increase max length in custom JS
- Split theme option to multiple pages
- Improve vendor verification: add option to upload verification documents
- Improve site contact widget: allow multiple phone & email
- Improve login & register page layout
- Improve customer dashboard UI
- Improve image field: add option to use external image URL instead of downloading to local storage
- Improve social login UI
- Improve order creation page: add option to enter payment gateway transaction ID
- Improve checkout page UI
- Improve Razorpay payment gateway webhook: make sure all payments are captured
- Improve products filter by categories
- Improve UI contact form
- Improve tax by countries
- Improve product bulk update price
- Improve rating UI: add more rating styles in Theme options -> Ecommerce
- Improve cache system for better performance
- Improve cache for better performance
- Optimize source code
- Improve core
- Update third-party libraries to the latest version
- Implement search ajax header
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Reactions: edgars221289

Version 1.14.0 – Feb 23, 2024​

- Fix email rules when PHP extension intl is not enabled
- Add custom CSS/JS for admin panel
- Add webm into media allowed extensions
- Improve media system, compress images when uploading
- Improve admin panel UI
- Improve performance
- Improve RTL style
- Improve Shippo logging
- Display tax info at the checkout page and in invoice
- Support Chinese language in invoice

Version 1.8.0 – Jun 07, 2023​

- Bootstrap 5.3.0 compatible
- Add cronjob setting instruction
- Improve theme translations
- Add email notification when order delivered
- Display bank payment info at the checkout success page
- Add relation between category and brand/product attributes.
- Improve Analytics plugin, switch to use GA4, no more UA.
- Improve plugin management.
- Fix issue when switching default language
- Improve invoice template & add option to regenerate invoices
- Improve admin notification: only keep notifications in 30 days
- Improve setting pages
- Improve captcha plugin, fix issue when using multiple captcha
- Improve admin bar
- Improve system updater & performance
- Improve UI for installer
- Improve core source code & performance
- Add multi-language for email templates

Version 1.4.0 – Jan 21, 2023​

- Add admin notifications.
- Add Google Fonts cache on local disk.
- Add option to confirm orders automatically.
- Add more widgets/charts in eCommerce report page.
- Add more fields to product form (Cost per item & Barcode).
- Verify customer's email manually from the admin panel.
- Improve product reviews section.
- Improve multi-language.
- Improve core & performance.
- Improve shortcode admin config.
- Make product options translatable.
- Generate invoice after order created from the admin panel.
- Fix tags & export feature

Version 1.1.1 – Dec 13, 2022​

- Fix RTL style.
- Add option to install plugins from marketplace.botble.com in Admin -> Plugins.
- Add option to clean up site data.
- Allow multiple taxes.
- Add shipping rules by zipcode and location.
- Change default Google Fonts CDN URL to fonts.bunny.net.
- Improve performance.
- Improve sitemap queries.
- Improve core & UI.
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Reactions: tatar221