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Advanced Custom Fields Pro

Advanced Custom Fields Pro 2.8.3

Jul 12, 2024 - v2.8.3
  • Security Fix: Improved sanitization and escaping of custom field values.
May 02, 2024 - v2.8.0
  • Joomla 5 native support; no longer requires the Backward Compatibility plugin.
  • Added Smart Tag {field.item_author_id} to Gallery and File Upload fields.
  • [Telephone] Added alt tags to country flags for improved accessibility.
  • [Telephone] Input could incorrectly appear as required.
  • [Address Autocomplete] The autocomplete setting is ignored when it is disabled.
  • [File Upload] When Custom Layout is used don't wrap it in a div.
  • [File Upload] Fixed invalid return value for {acf.field.id}.
  • Fixed PHP error when editing a User Profile in Joomla 3.
  • Loads all 3rd-party assets (CSS/JS) locally.
  • [Telephone] Improved YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content support.
  • [Address Autocomplete] Renames "Address Autocomplete" toggle to "Enable Autocomplete"
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
Apr 08, 2024 - v2.7.7
  • Implements the JFilters integration.
  • Telephone: Implements the Country Code Selector.
  • Fix: Display Conditions are not taken into account in the User Profile menu type.
  • Module Field: Mention module's ID next to the module title in the dropdown selection.
  • Gallery Field: Upload gallery items without saving the article/user/contact first.


Tuesday, 06 June 2023
  • Implements the Map Field allowing you to create OpenStreetMap, Google Maps and Bing Maps with unlimited markers.
  • PHP:
     Adds YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content support.
    [*][FAQ] Icon would become smaller in size when resizing the window.
    [*]Fix: [File Upload] + [Gallery] Would not save fields as expected on some systems.
    [*]Fix: [File Upload] + [Gallery] Couldn't use with YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content > Multiple Items Sources if Files Limit wasn't set to 0.
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Reactions: MarkDragon and Jan
2.5.0 - Wednesday, 03 May 2023
  • Implements the FAQ Field.
  • Adds YooTheme Pro support for the ACF - URL field.
  • Fix: ACF Articles would throw a php error on the front-end in Joomla 3 under certain circumstances.
  • Updates translations.
2.4.0 - Monday, 03 April 2023
  • Implements the Countdown Field.
  • Implements the YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content Integration.
  • [Gallery] Adds the Justified theme.
  • [Gallery] Adds support for WebP images.
  • Fix: [File Upload] Fixes issues where saving and displaying of files wasn't working correctly.
  • Fix: [Articles] Ensure "By Status" filter always appears.
  • Fix: [File Upload] + [Gallery] Not saving files in the correct directory when used under Users > Fields.
  • Fix: [File Upload] + [Gallery] Fixes issue when using with Subform field and the "Repeatable" setting is disabled.
  • Like
Reactions: zafro

2.3.0 - Wednesday, 01 March 2023​

  • Implements the Articles field.
  • [File Upload] Adds ability to rename uploaded files
  • [File Upload] Adds ability to upload files in custom folders
  • [File Upload] Adds drag and drop sorting
  • [File Upload] Each file upload can now have a Title and a Description
  • Fix: [Gallery] Ensure the image's orientation is preserved when uploaded and resized.
  • Fix: [Gallery] The Media Manager may not allow uploading images.
  • Fix: [Chained Fields] May show duplicate dropdown values and would not display all dropdown values.
  • Like
Reactions: zafro


Monday, 21 November 2022
  • Fix: [OpenStreetMap] Do not rely on Joomla object to load map marker.
  • Fix: [Module Loader] Do not include backend modules in the list.
  • Fix: PHP Warning: "strtoupper(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated" when uploading images".
  • Updates translations: fr-FR. de-DE
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221 and zafro

2.1.4 - Monday, 29 August 2022​

  • Update Site changed.
  • Added useful notices for rating/missing download key as well as when the subscription expires/expired
  • Fix: [Gallery] Error "Call to a member function setFieldValue() on bool" appears when editing the field on the front-end of a Joomla 4 site.
  • Fix: [Gallery] Would not allow Media Manager images to be uploaded on the front-end of Joomla 4 sites under certain circumstances.
  • Fix: [OpenStreetMap] Map would not load correctly.
Files provided by @ThePurplePeopleEater