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Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF PRO)

Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF PRO) 6.3.6 NULLED

= 6.2.9 =
*Release Date 8th April 2024*

* Enhancement - The Select2 escapeMarkup function can now be overridden when initializing a custom Select2
* Fix - “Hide on Screen” settings are now correctly applied when using conditionally loaded field groups
* Fix - Field names are no longer converted to lowercase when editing the name
* Fix - Field group titles will no longer convert HTML entities into their encoded form
= 6.2.8 =
*Release Date 2nd April 2024*

* New - Support for the Block Bindings API in WordPress 6.5 with a new `acf/field` source. For more information on how to use this, please read [the release blog post](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-6-2-8)
* New - Support for performance improvements for translations in WordPress 6.5
* Enhancement - A new JS filter, `select2_escape_markup` now allows fields to customize select2's HTML escaping behavior
* Fix - Options pages can no longer set to have a parent of themselves
* Fix - ACF PRO license activations on multisite subsite installs will now use the correct site URL
* Fix - ACF PRO installed on multisite installs will no longer try to check for updates resulting in 404 errors when the updates page is not visible
* Fix - ACF JSON no longer produces warnings on Windows servers when no ACF JSON folder is found
* Fix - Field and layout names can now contain valid non-ASCII characters
* Other - ACF PRO now requires a valid license to be activated in order to use PRO features. [Learn more](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/license-activations/)
= 6.2.7 =
*Release Date 27th February 2024*

* Security Fix - `the_field` now escapes potentially unsafe HTML as notified since ACF 6.2.5. For full information, please read [the release blog post](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-6-2-7-security-release/)
* Security Fix - Field and Layout names are now enforced to alphanumeric characters, resolving a potential XSS issue
* Security Fix - The default render template for select2 fields no longer allows HTML to be rendered resolving a potential XSS issue
* Security Enhancement - A `acf/shortcode/prevent_access` filter is now available to limit what data the ACF shortcode is allowed to access
* Security Enhancement - i18n translated strings are now escaped on output
* Enhancement - ACF now universally uses WordPress file system functions rather than native PHP functions
= =
*Release Date 7th February 2024*

* Fix - Fatal JS error no longer occurs when editing fields in the classic editor when Yoast or other plugins which load block editor components are installed
* Fix - Using `$escape_html` on get functions for array returning field types no longer produces an Array to string conversion error
= 6.2.6 =
*Release Date 6th February 2024*

* Enhancement - The `get_field()` and other `get_` functions now support an `escape_html` parameter which return an HTML safe field value
* Enhancement - The URL field will be now escaped with `esc_url` rather than `wp_kses_post` when returning an HTML safe value
* Fix - ACF fields will now correctly save into the WordPress created revision resolving issues with previews of drafts on WordPress 6.4 or newer.
* Fix - Multisite subsites will now correctly be activated by the main site where the ACF PRO license allows, hiding the updates page on those subsites
* Fix - Field types in which the `required` property would have no effect (such as the tab, or accordion) will no longer show the option
* Fix - Duplicating a field group now maintains the current page of field groups being displayed
* Fix - Fields in ACF Blocks in edit mode in hybrid themes will now use ACF’s styling, rather than some attributes being overridden by the theme
* Fix - Text in some admin notices will no longer overlap the dismiss button
* Fix - The word `link` is now prohibited from being used as a CPT name to avoid a WordPress core conflict
* Fix - Flexible content layouts can no longer be duplicated over their maximum count limit
* Fix - All ACF notifications shown outside of ACF’s admin screens are now prefixed with the plugin name
* Fix - ACF no longer checks if a polyfill is needed for <PHP7 and the polyfill has been removed.
= 6.2.5 =
*Release Date 16th January 2024*

* Security Fix - The ACF shortcode will now run all output through `wp_kses`, escaping unsafe HTML. This may be a breaking change to your site but is required for security, a message will be shown in WordPress admin if you are affected. Please see the [blog post for this release for more information.](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-6-2-5-security-release/) Thanks to Francesco Carlucci via Wordfence for the responsible disclosure
* Security - ACF now warns via an admin message, when upcoming changes to `the_field` and `the_sub_field` may require theme changes to your site to avoid stripping unsafe HTML. Please see the [blog post for this release for more information](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-6-2-5-security-release/)
* Security - Users may opt in to automatically escaping unsafe HTML via a new filter `acf/the_field/escape_html_optin` when using `the_field` and `the_sub_field` before this becomes default in an upcoming ACF release.
= 6.2.4 =
*Release Date 28th November 2023*

* Fix - Custom Post Types labels now match the WordPress 6.4 behavior for "Add New" labels
* Fix - When exporting both post types and taxonomies as PHP, taxonomies will now appear before post types, matching the order ACF registers them. This resolves issues where taxonomy slugs will not work in post type permalinks
* Fix - Advanced Settings for Taxonomies, Post Types or Options Pages now display with the correct top padding when toggled on
* Fix - When a parent option page is set to "Redirect to Child Page", the child page will now correctly show it's parent setting
* Fix - When activated as a must-use plugin, the ACF PRO "Updates" page is now visible. Use the existing `show_updates` setting to hide
* Fix - When activated as a must-use plugin, ACF PRO licenses defined in code will now correctly activate sites
* Fix - When `show_updates` is set or filtered to false, ACF PRO will now automatically still activate defined licenses
* i18n - Maintenance and internal upstream messages from the ACF PRO activation server are now translatable
= 6.2.3 =
*Release Date 15th November 2023*

* New - An ACF Blocks specific JSON schema for block.json is now available on [GitHub](https://github.com/AdvancedCustomFields/schemas)
* New - Flexible Content fields now show the layout name in the layout's header bar and supports click-to-copy
* New - Duplicating Flexible Content layouts now appends "Copy" to their name and label, matching the behavior of field group duplication
* Enhancement - ACF PRO will now automatically attempt license reactivation when the site URL changes, e.g. after a site migration. This resolves issues where updates may fail
* Enhancement - Presentation setting for "High" placement of the Field Group made clear that it's not supported in the block editor
* Fix - `acf_format_date` now ensures the date parameter is valid to prevent fatal errors if other data types are passed in
* Fix - CPTs with a custom icon URL now display the posts icon in the location column of the field groups screen
* Fix - The ACF JSON import form will now disable on first submit resolving an issue where you could submit the form twice
* Fix - The "Add Row" button in the Flexible Content field now displays correctly when using nested layouts
* Fix - Warning and Error notices no longer flicker on ACF admin pages load
* i18n - ACF PRO license activation success and error messages are now translatable
= 6.2.2 =
*Release Date 25th October 2023*

* Enhancement - ACF Blocks which have not been initialized by the editor will now render correctly
* Enhancement - Added a new `acf/filesize` filter to allow third party media plugins to bypass ACF calling `filesize()` on attachments with uncached file sizes, which may result in a remote download if offloaded
* Enhancement - ACF PRO license status and subscription expiry dates are now displayed on the “Updates” page
* Fix - Product pages for WooCommerce version 8.2 or newer now correctly support field group location rules
* Fix - Relationship field items can now be removed on mobile devices
* Fix - Color picker fields no longer autocomplete immediately after typing 3 valid hex characters
* Fix - Field settings no longer appear misaligned when the viewport is something other than 100%
* Fix - Select fields without an aria-label no longer throw a warning
* Fix - CPTs and Taxonomies with a custom text domain now export correctly when using PHP export