• The default language of any content posted is English.
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66aix - AI Content, Chat Bot, Images Generator and Speech to Text (SAAS)

66aix - AI Content, Chat Bot, Images Generator and Speech to Text (SAAS) 28.0.0 NULLED Extended

Update 28.0.0 - 13 September, 2024
  • Implemented the ability to set a custom Reply To email for the SMTP system.
  • Implemented the ability to set custom CC, BCC emails for the SMTP system.
  • Implemented the ability to set the amount of days the Remember Me cookie will be kept, configurable via the admin panel.
  • Implemented the ability to use Custom Variables inside the Custom JS field of the admin panel - settings - custom page.
  • Implemented the new redesigned admin panel dashboard widgets, along with the new monthly data.
  • Implemented the new Cities Statistics chart for admin panel - statistics - users map page.
  • Implemented the new Device Type Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - users page.
  • Implemented the new Browsers Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - users page.
  • Implemented the new OS Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - users page.
  • Implemented the new Payment Processors Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
  • Implemented the new Payment Plans Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
  • Implemented the new Payment Types Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
  • Implemented the new Payment Frequencies Statistics percentages for admin panel - statistics - payments page.
  • Implemented the ability to send out webhooks when a user updates their profile settings, configurable via the admin panel.
  • Implemented the ability to translate announcements via the admin panel - settings - announcements page.
  • Implemented the ability to translate affiliate plugin custom notes via the admin panel - settings - affiliate page.
  • Implemented the ability to use custom variables & spintax for announcements via the admin panel - settings - announcements page.
  • Implemented the ability to use new filters for Admin Broadcasts: cities, languages, operating systems & browsers.
  • Implemented the ability to use new filters for Admin Internal Notifications: cities, languages, operating systems & browsers.
  • Implemented the ability to use new variables for Admin Broadcasts & Admin Internal Notifications, such as User country, city, browser, os...etc.
  • Implemented admin panel version notification bar which will alert you when new product updates go live.
  • Implemented the ability to set a description (meta) for featured images in blog posts.
  • Implemented the ability to Custom Body contents (Google Tag manager for example) via the admin panel - settings - custom page.
  • Improved PWA plugin setting to be able to display the info download bar after X amount of seconds.
  • Added the total users & percentages used for each admin panel - languages page.
  • Added the users percentages used for each admin panel - plans page.
  • Google, Cloudflare, Turnstile captchas will now support Dark Mode when used.
  • Reorganized the admin panel - settings - main page.
  • Admin panel - settings - announcements can now be enabled/disabled with ease (instead of removing content to disable them)
  • Reworked the admin panel - plugins page to a more aesthetically pleasing one.
  • Reworked the admin panel - codes page look and UX.
  • Improved the look of the campaigns list table.
  • Improved all the creation on / updated on tooltips to include how much time has passed.
  • Fixed issues with incorrect dates showing on charts when different timezones are used.
  • Fixed issues with some complex filters when used in the admin panel.
  • Fixed issues with Broadcast links not properly working in some cases when tracking is enabled.
  • Fixed issues with Broadcast View Stats page not properly working in some cases.
  • Fixed issues with GPT4o mini in Documents.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
Update 27.0.0 - 29 July, 2024
  • Implemented the OpenAI GPT 4o mini model.
  • Enabled vision (image upload) on chats for GPT 4o and 4o mini.
  • PHP 8.1 is now minimum required PHP version.
  • Improved prompt for AI translations in the admin panel.
  • Added versioning to all asset links to avoid potential issues on new updates due to cached asset files.
  • Ads & cookie consent message (if set) will no longer show when using the print option of a browser.
  • Improved the admin panel - settings - cache page.
  • Fixed blog RSS not working properly in the presence of some characters.
  • Fixed duplication of resources issue when the name of the duplication is too big.
  • Fixed footer pages icons not showing up.
  • Fixed display issues of dropdowns in some data tables.
  • Fixed admin panel push notifications campaign filters not saving properly - push notifications plugin.
  • Fixed admin panel push notifications pagination not properly working - push notifications plugin.
  • Like
Reactions: rojo_salas
Update 26.0.0 - 29 May, 2024
  • Implemented the OpenAI GPT 4o model.
  • Improved the language auto translation system that is used in the admin panel.
  • PHP 8.1 is now the minimum PHP version required (from PHP 8.0).
  • Fixed admin panel - broadcast titles not properly working when using certain characters.
  • Fixed footer / menu links icons not showing up when added in the admin panel - resources - pages section.
Update 25.0.0 - 25 April, 2024
  • Implemented the new GPT 4 turbo model.
  • Implemented Projects Bulk Deletion capability.
  • Implemented Images Bulk Download capability.
  • Implemented Images Bulk Deletion capability.
  • Implemented the Export to PDF functionality to the frontend app.
  • All password fields now have a button to toggle the visibility.
  • CSV & JSON export files are now dynamically named by the title of the page.
  • Filters are now kept after a successful resource deletion (instead of resetting the filters).
  • The currency switcher is now only displayed in pages which are related to making payments.
  • Improve all bootstrap CSS files to generate themselves smaller without unused components.
  • Fixed issue with Microsoft Login - now it will only work if the user initially created his account with the Microsoft Login feature.
  • Fixed all chart issues when enabling printing from the browser.
  • Fixed admin panel printing not being scrollable.
  • Fixed a few sanitization issues in the backend.
Update 22.0.0 - 27 January, 2024
  • Implemented the ability to enable and display latest Blog posts on the homepage footer.
  • Improved the top menu dropdown when being logged in, showing all internal app links.
  • Reworked the whole discounts system to be able to choose the Plans for the discount, directly on the discount creation page in the admin panel.
  • Cookie consent dependancy upgraded and improved to support RTL.
  • Improved the admin panel language update page - added scroll up / down floating buttons.
Update 19.0.0 - 13 November, 2023
Minimum PHP requirement is now PHP 8.0 instead of PHP 7.4.
  • Implemented & Released the new Push Notifications Plugin.
  • Implemented DALL-E v3 images API model.
  • Implemented the new GPT 4 Vision API into the AI Chat functionality, to upload images and ask any info about them.
  • Implemented Text to Speech functionality via OpenAI.
  • Implemented the ability to set a custom start URL - PWA plugin.
  • Implemented notification badges for installed PWA instances in case the user has an internal notification pending - PWA plugin.
  • Implemented the ability to set preview screenshots for mobile and desktop when installing the PWA of the app - PWA plugin.
  • Implemented the ability to set shortcuts for contextual menu on the PWA app - PWA plugin.
  • Implemented admin panel statistics page for Internal notifications sent.
  • Implemented new filters for users logs: device type filter, city search, continent filter, country search, browser name and browser language.
  • Implemented new custom select component with search for the frontend and admin panel.
  • Implemented admin panel new details and filters for each user based on last login: OS Name, Browser language, Device type.
  • Implemented admin panel new filter for broadcasts: device type.
  • Implemented admin panel new filter for internal notifications: device type.
  • Implemented AI Chat settings for Context length & automatic end of maximum context handling.
  • Implemented AI Chat settings for creativity (temperature).
  • Implemented the ability to change the default payment frequency selected, via the admin panel.
  • Improved the AI Chat window overall experience (added total number of messages, timestamp, scroll window, easier chat creation with pre-filled name).
  • The ad blocker detector will only be triggered when a user is not logged in and does not have the No ads plan feature.
  • Cleaned up and optimized duplicated translations.
  • Admin panel taxes can now be deleted in case they are created by mistake.
  • Removed old and deprecated AI models: davinci, curie, babbage, ada.
  • Added latest released OpenAI models: GPT 3.5 Turbo latest version, GPT 4 1106 preview.
  • Implemented the ability to set a custom delay for the ad blocker detector modal via the admin panel.
  • Fix internal notifications URL destination bug.
  • Fix AI background replace / remover tool issue with the Offload plugin.
Update 18.0.0 - 13 October, 2023
  • Implemented & Released the new PWA Plugin.
  • Implemented the ability to set icons for custom pages created in the admin panel.
  • Implemented the ability to change the tracking type and cookie tracking duration of the affiliate system.
  • Implemented Ad blocker detection alert system.
  • Implemented Ad blocker detection lock content until ad blocker is disabled.
  • Implemented Admin panel Webhooks for Domains creation & update events.
  • Implemented the ability to change the main font of the whole website directly from the admin panel.
  • Implemented Database tables size stats in the admin panel statistics page.
  • Implemented Search widget for the Blogging system.
  • Implemented Redeemed Codes Statistics page in the Admin panel.
  • Implemented User's plans distribution statistics table in the Admin panel.
  • Implemented Blog RSS feed.
  • Implemented Microsoft social login.
  • Implemented canonical tags for public pages where they will help with SEO.
  • Implemented the ability to change the OpenAI model for admin panel translation usage.
  • Implemented the ability to set a CDN via the Offload plugin.
  • Implemented the ability to set a Language flag and also set the order of the Languages via the admin panel.
  • Improved the Pay page by displaying an alert on the title when leaving the page.
  • Improved the UI on the admin panel statistics page.
  • Cleaned up the share buttons used in places like blog posts & custom pages and added Telegram share button.
  • Upgraded ReCaptcha, PHPMailer, TwoFactorAuth, Stripe project dependencies to their latest versions.
  • Other small code improvements, changes and tweaks across the whole product.
  • Fix API User endpoint not working properly.
  • Fix Paypal recurring payment rare issue when the business name is not provided.
  • Fix Admin panel Discount update not working properly in some cases.
Update 17.0.0 - 1 September, 2023
  • Implemented Remove Background from Images with the complete set of features.
  • Implemented Replace Background from Images with the complete set of features.
  • Improve announcements look on the frontend.
  • LinkedIn login transitioned to the new version required by LinkedIn.
  • Other small visual improvements and code cleanups.
Update 15.0.0 - 10 August, 2023
  • Implemented the ability to change the referral key to a custom one.
  • Implemented the ability to enable/disable blog system sections: popular widget, views, categories widget, whole system.
  • Implemented the ability to enable/disable pages system sections: popular widget, views, whole system.
  • Implemented the ability to enable/disable testimonials section in the landing page via the admin panel.
  • Implemented new blocks type editor for the Pages & Blog articles creation page.
  • Implemented new blocks type editor for the Broadcasting system.
  • Implemented Spintax compatibility with Internal notifications & Broadcasting system.
  • Reworked the languages system to improve the way languages are updated on future versions and SEO regarding the language switching mechanism.
  • Improved the blog article edit / create page look.
  • Improved the page edit / create page look.
  • Improved the broadcasted emails - now you can mark a newsletter as a system email (mandatory) which will now show the unsubscribe button.
  • Improved the broadcasted emails - now the user phishing code will show in there as well.
  • Improved the caching on some pages that results in further performance improvements.
  • Improved the blog category and pages category parts when there are no posts to display.
  • Improved the language translation system to show you potential translation errors when dealing with variables.
  • Changed the referral key parameter from ?referral_key= to ?ref=.
  • Fixed internal notifications page not working properly.