Version 6.1.0
newAll types of rules can now execute based on the domain used to access a page: redirect, metadata, inject content, analytics, error pages, content replacement,...
newAll types of rules can now execute based on visitor user groups, as well as IP addresses: redirects, inject content, analytics, error pages, content replacement,...
chgEasier to use confirmation popups, do not change page scroll position when opening or closing
chgPrevent deprecation notices being logged to file by Joomla on Joomla 5+ (getInput)
chgAllow J2Store native views to be analyzed
chgWhen auto-linking a keyword with a replacer rule, the created link now has a CSS class added, that includes the rule number, for debugging purpose
chgAdded 24 new AI robots user agent strings to the list of crawlers to be blocked in robots.txt with the feature
chgPerformance: result of dimensions check for externally hosted .svg images are now also cached. SVG don't have dimensions so there's no need to try again and again.
chgPerformance: dimensions of local images are now cached, to avoid repeated work (only remote images dimensions were cached previously)
chgNow removing the query string from an image URL before trying to identify .svg images (in case parameters are added for images CDN for instance)
chgAllow any type of Joomla custom fields to be used throughout 4SEO. Added checks in cases user selects fields lacking require information for their purpose, to avoid PHP warnings
chgWhen using a custom field for a date value in a structured data rule, enforce the Show Time custom field parameter usage
chgWhen no time is provided for a date in a structured data property, truncate the output to only show year-month-date instead of using 00:00:00
chgAdded Performinggroup as an option to Event structured data Performer type property
chgRemove Performer field in Event structured data if in custom mode and no performer was provided in rule configuration
chgAdded a separate Address input field to Event structured data record, to better distinguish between online, in-person and mixed event attendance modes location
chgNow stripping all HTML content from custom fields when using them in structured data properties
bugDisconnection from and by Google Search Console are not correctly identified and displayed on the Integrations configuration page
bugAccessibility: alternate table view of Google Search Console data chart on 4SEO dashboard can't be focused and therefore scrolled with keyboard
bugAdding aliases to very long URLs does not work, the alias redirect to an invalid target
bugAvoid low-contrast colors combination when displaying an error message in some circumstances
bugRules triggered for URLs containing a %20 string (coding for a space) are not executed