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4SEF - Joomla 4 SEO extensions for SEF URLS

4SEF - Joomla 4 SEO extensions for SEF URLS 2.5.0

2022-10-14 Version 1.2.1​

  • Controls to insert article ID in URL should offer to inject id before or after the article name. Id injection does not work due to this.
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Reactions: zafro and tatar221

Version 1.1.0​

chg Handle links in modules to articles where neither articles not their category is linked from any menu. Joomla cannot handle this sort of links, but they can be found sometimes.
chg Removed unused sh404SEF legacy code that was left for reference only
chg Added code to execute legacy sh404SEF shURLs.
chg Better layout at very low width
bug Setting for whether to include menu item title in Uncategorised category links is not properly imported from sh404SEF
bug Pagination not created properly on Joomla 4
bug Cannot save extension configuration if they have a space or other special character in their display name
bug Actual PHP fatal errors are not logged to error file when building some URLs, instead a Call to a member function error() on null error is logged.