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WP All Export Pro - Export WordPress to CSV, XML, or Excel

WP All Export Pro - Export WordPress to CSV, XML, or Excel 1.8.9 NULLED


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

WP All Export Pro - Export data from Posts, Pages, Users, or any Custom Post Type

View attachment 554

WP All Export’s simple drag & drop interface makes it easy to export data from Posts, Pages, Users, or any Custom Post Type (like WooCommerce Products, Orders, etc.) to an XML, CSV, or Excel file. Your export file can be organized exactly how you need it to be with just the data you need and nothing else.

WordPress XML exports and WordPress CSV exports are easy with WP All Export. Designed to be efficient with large databases, it will work no matter...

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raz0r updated WP All Export Pro with a new update entry:


  • security improvement
  • bug fix: JavaScript error when the user has the 'Disable syntax highlighting when editing code' option enabled
  • bug fix: only one export field can use the 'Export the value returned by a PHP function' option at a time
  • improvement: restore compatibility for WordPress 5.0+
  • improvement: better filtering performance
  • improvement: better 'custom export field' performance

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raz0r updated WP All Export Pro with a new update entry:

WP All Export Pro v1.8.2


  • improvement: individual record data is now available in Zapier when using real time exports (requires 2.0.1+ Zapier trigger version)
  • improvement: allow exporting '0' value in ACF fields
  • improvement: better 's' parameter support for WP_Query exports
  • improvement: clean up PHP 8 related notices
  • improvement: better support for symlinked /upload folders
  • improvement: remove deprecated jQuery functions
  • improvement: enhanced real time exporting...

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raz0r updated WP All Export Pro - Export WordPress to CSV, XML, or Excel with a new update entry:

WP All Export Pro v1.8.4


  • minimum WordPress version: 5.0
  • minimum PHP version: 7.2
  • improvement: prevent caching of file URLs used with Zapier
  • adjustment: uncheck 'Display each product in its own row ?' by default when using 'Migrate' option for WooCommerce Orders
  • bug fix: corrected XML layout when using real time order exports
  • bug fix: corrected exporting of comment IDs to XLS
  • bug fix: ensure the correct Unique Identifier is set when using the 'Import with WP All...

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raz0r updated WP All Export Pro - Export WordPress to CSV, XML, or Excel with a new update entry:

WP All Export Pro v1.8.5


  • minimum WordPress version: 5.0
  • minimum PHP version: 7.2
  • note: WooCommerce Export Add-On 1.0.8+ is required to export orders
  • improvement: better PHP 8.2 support
  • improvement: add support for filtering by parent slug
  • improvement: enable adding BOM to files by default for new exports and improve description
  • improvement: minimize code called during AJAX requests
  • improvement: remove 'wp_navigation' from dropdown on Step 1
  • improvement...

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raz0r updated WP All Export Pro - Export WordPress to CSV, XML, or Excel with a new update entry:

WP All Export Pro v1.8.6


Minimum WordPress version: 5.0 Minimum PHP version: 7.4
  • security improvement
  • API: add new filter 'wp_all_export_functions_file_path' to change the Function Editor's file location
  • API: add new filter 'wp_all_export_product_variation_where' to override the WP_Query 'where' for variations
  • API: add new filter 'wp_all_export_meta_query_limit' to control how many custom fields can be shown
  • bug fix: resolve PHP notices for ajax requests
  • bug fix...

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raz0r updated WP All Export Pro - Export WordPress to CSV, XML, or Excel with a new update entry:

Changelog WP All Export Pro 1.8.7 NULLED


  • minimum WordPress version: 5.0
  • minimum PHP version: 7.4
  • API: first version of new add-on API
  • bug fix: GMC height and width fields incorrectly calculated in some cases
  • bug fix: client mode options do not appear in some cases
  • bug fix: ‘count’ fatal error in WP_Comment_Query exports
  • bug fix: WooCommerce Product post meta not correctly retrieved with HPOS active
  • improvement: better GMC Next support
  • improvement: increase accuracy of...

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raz0r updated WP All Export Pro - Export WordPress to CSV, XML, or Excel with a new update entry:

Changelog WP All Export Pro 1.8.9 NULLED


  • minimum WordPress version: 5.0
  • minimum PHP version: 7.4
  • improvement: require the 'setup_network' meta capability for access
  • bug fix: order meta not included when only stored in HPOS tables
  • bug fix: real time exports don't run for records imported via a cron import
  • bug fix: PHP notice breaking Automatic Scheduling calls when display errors is enabled
  • bug fix: generate a valid tab delimited file for GMC exports
  • bug fix: manage exports...

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