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Woostify Pro

Woostify Pro 1.8.0 NULLED


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

Woostify Pro - This plugin is a modules for the Woostify WordPress Theme.

View attachment 5587


Access to powerful features for better performance & higher conversion rate. Woostify is designed for the best performance and fast speed, which results in Better Conversion Rate.

Outstanding Features:

Multi Steps & Distraction Free Checkout.
Woostify offers a well-optimized checkout page which removes the header, footer and sidebars, just leaves the primary focal point...

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raz0r updated Woostify Pro with a new update entry:

Woostify Pro v1.7.5 NULLED

Woostify pro 1.7.5​

17 Dec 2022
  • Improve Ajax search add-on index time and performance
  • Improve Smart product filter add-on index time and performance
  • Callback add-on:
    – Support checkbox field for the GDPR
    – Send an email automatically to subscribers when products are back in stock
  • Fix Range slider conflict with Translatepress plugin

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raz0r updated Woostify Pro with a new update entry:

Woostify Pro v1.7.6 NULLED

Woostify Pro 1.7.6​

3 Feb 2023
  • Fix conflict Elementor 3.10.x
  • Fix limit quantity not working of Pre-order addon
  • Fix Pre-order doesn’t work on Quick View
  • Fix Callback addon applies to out of stock products by default instead of All products
  • Fix Sort by function not working when using Smart product filter
  • Add gallery images option for variation swatches add-on

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raz0r updated Woostify Pro with a new update entry:

Woostify Pro v1.7.8 NULLED

Woostify Pro 1.7.8​

11 Apr 2023
  • Released White Label add-on
  • Update New Woostify setting page
  • Fix sticky header lag on the Safari browser
  • Fix the warning error when restoring the product
  • Fix the warning console log on Woostify setting page
  • Fix conflict between Variation swatches addon with Popup builder of Elementor Pro
  • Ajax Search add-on:
    • Fix searching by tag not working
    • Fix searching with custom field not working
  • Smart...

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raz0r updated Woostify Pro with a new update entry:

Woostify Pro v1.7.9 NULLED

Woostify Pro 1.7.9​

24 Nov 2023
  • Release Frequently Bought Together addon
  • Add 3 new demos & Update all demos using Flexbox Container
  • Update option for Countdown widget
  • Fix Product add to cart widget conflict with WooCommerce Subscription plugin
  • Fix Callback didn’t work with Woobuilder
  • Fix Ajax search addon didn’t index automatically
  • Fix payment button on My account...

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raz0r updated Woostify Pro with a new update entry:

Woostify Pro 1.8.0 NULLED

Woostify Pro 1.8.0​

1 Mar 2024
  • Improve Smart product filter addon
    • Add hierarchy option: the filter sidebar changes with the product result
    • Faster loading time
    • Fix the loading site speed issue with some large product sites.
    • Fix conflict with Header footer addon
  • Fix publishing product errors when using the Frequently Bought Together addon
  • Fix Ajax search addon doesn’t work with some special keywords
  • Fix Callback addon: email not...

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Hi @raz0r can you share the latest update of Woostify Pro 1.8.1 released on 13 Apr 2024
  • Fix conflict Woobuilder with Top editor mode
  • Fix conflict Frequently bought together with Paypal for payment plugin
  • Fix conflict Pre-order with Woobuilder
  • Fix Pre-order addon: wrong quantity product in the mini cart
  • Add thumbnail image size option for Ajax search add-on
  • Fix conflict Callback addon with Recaptcha v3
  • Fix sticky header issue

Woostify Pro 1.8.2​

20 Apr 2024
  • Fix Pre-order add-on causes the add-to-cart not working
  • Fix conflict Ajax search add-on with WPML plugin