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The hard part of being an entrepreneur in a crisis

Currently, I am an entrepreneur on my website in crisis because it is an altruistic website.

I do not come here to give pity or to ask you for anything.
I just wanted to tell you this fact, it is very sad that we are alone in this process.
We cannot tell our clients that if we don't sell we are about to close, because they will not buy annuities or lifetimes
We cannot tell our clients that we have been swindled and we are about to close because they will not buy annuities or life annuities...
We can't complain that an employee left us because .... because of the same thing.

It is sad that we don't have a way to vent about our bad business moments
For really, if we demonstrate a breaking point, we demonstrate less business value
Friends and acquaintances won't understand, you can't tell anyone who understands and really cares, it's sad.
Just that, I wanted to leave this over here, greetings to all and great weekend.
Being an entrepreneur definitely has a lot of hardships, specially now when the market is constantly evolving. What is important is resiliency. You have to be able to get back up every time something goes wrong or a deal goes sideways. Is your current marketing plan not working? Construct a new plan. A lot of small and big businesses have been doing great with TikTok recently. Make funny videos. Who knows, maybe it is just the thing your company needs right now to be able to gain some new customers.