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PowerPack Elements Pro

PowerPack Elements Pro 2.10.20 NULLED


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

PowerPack Elements Pro - Extend Elementor Page Builder with 70+ Creative Widgets and exciting extensions

View attachment 1096

PowerPack Elements NULLED is Custom addons set for elementor page builder. Super Charge your Elementor website with 70+ Unique, Creative, and Useful Elementor widgets.

Create Beautiful Websites like a Pro. Select from a wide range of elementor addons and widgets that meet your design requirements. Every PowerPack widget is...

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro v2.9.10 NULLED

== 2.9.10 ==
Release date: September 29, 2022

* Enhancement: Custom Cursor - Added options to change left and top offset of cursor
* Enhancement: Woo Products - Added option to apply border radius to products
* Fixed: Login Form - Styling was not applying to password reset form
* Fixed: Tooltips - Tooltips were not working on frontend in some cases
* Fixed: Devices - Play/Pause icon render issue
* Fixed: Image Gallery - Layout render issue with load more button in justified layout

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro v2.9.12 NULLED

== 2.9.12 ==
Release date: November 1, 2022

* Enhancement: Performance improvements
* Enhancement: Login Form - Added Password Visibility Toggle option
* Enhancement: Woo Products - Added option to change Out of Stock text
* Enhancement: Tiled Posts - Added hover color options
* Enhancement: Woo My Account - Added Table margin and row border options
* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added dynamic tags support to Fallback Image option
* Enhancement: Counter - Added text stroke to number...

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro v2.9.13 NULLED

== 2.9.13 ==
Release date: December 9, 2022

* Enhancement: Updated Elementor compatibility tags
* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added title attribute to image anchor tag
* Enhancement: Showcase - Added navigation icon position option
* Enhancement: Updated justified gallery library to 3.8.0
* Enhancement: Price Menu - Updated sanitization functions
* Enhancement: Info Box Carousel - Box link structure
* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Content of posts built with Elementor editor was not...

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro v2.9.14 NULLED

== 2.9.14 ==
Release date: December 27, 2022

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added fade effect
* Enhancement: Team Member Carousel - Added Links Target option
* Fixed: Woo Add to Cart - Issue with quantity selector when widget is used more than twice on the same page
* Fixed: Table of Contents - List active class was not working
* Fixed: Info Grid & Carousel - Equal Height Boxes option was not working
* Fixed: Custom Cursor - Cursor was not showing with default settings
* Fixed...

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro v2.9.15 NULLED

== 2.9.15 ==
Release date: January 30, 2023

* Enhancement: Woo Products - Added Box hover options
* Enhancement: Logo Carousel - Repeater items now show logo title instead of Logo Image text
* Fixed: Twitter Tweet - Widget stopped working after Twitter API update
* Fixed: Twitter Timeline - Widget stopped working after Twitter API update
* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Content Container padding was applying to Content
* Fixed: Table of Contents - Desktop option was missing from Collapse On...

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro v2.9.16 NULLED

== 2.9.16 ==
Release date: March 3, 2023

* Enhancement: Logo Carousel - Added direction option
* Enhancement: Team Member Carousel - Added support for Xing icon
* Fixed: Image Hotspots - Repeater typography control was not working for text hotspots
* Fixed: Image Gallery - Image count issue in lightbox on mobile resolution
* Fixed: Breadcrumbs - SVG separator icon was not showing for categories

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro v2.9.17 NULLED

== 2.9.17 ==
Release date: March 29, 2023

* Enhancement: Login Form - Added lost password form message style options
* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added option to automatically align buttons
* Enhancement: Added compatibility for Swiper v8.45
* Fixed: Woo Products - Variable product redirected to the product page instead of adding to cart
* Fixed: Woo Products - Issue with pagination when Yith filters plugin is used

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro v2.9.19 NULLED

== 2.9.19 ==
Release date: May 29, 2023
* Enhancement: Content Reveal - Added Default State option to show revealed content on page load
* Enhancement: Content Reveal - Added compatibility with Advanced Posts filters
* Enhancement: Content Reveal - Reveal button hides when number of lines of content is less than the visible lines set in the settings
* Enhancement: Image Accordion - Added option to disable body click action
* Enhancement: Showcase - Added support for self hosted videos...

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Pro for Elementor v2.9.21 NULLED

== 2.9.21 ==
Release date: June 26, 2023

* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added option to show content above video
* Fixed: Logo Carousel - Pagination dots styling options were not working
* Fixed: Info Box Carousel - Images were not appearing in the editor
* Fixed: Team Member Carousel - Images were not appearing in the editor
* Fixed: Categories - PHP fatal error in recaptcha field
* Fixed: Video Gallery - Minor CSS issue with video overlay

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Pro for Elementor v2.10.0 NULLED

== 2.10.0 ==
Release date: September 20, 2023
* New: WooCommerce Display Conditions
* Enhancement: Table - Added options to create table dynamically using posts query
* Enhancement: Woo Products - Added option to show upsells and cross-sells products
* Enhancement: Countdown - Updated JS library to the latest version
* Enhancement: Image Gallery - Updated Justified Gallery JS library to the latest version
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Updated JS library to the latest version

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro v2.10.3 NULLED

== 2.10.3 ==
Release date: October 23, 2023
* Enhancement: Image Gallery - Added support for using Gallery widget with masonry layout inside Elementor Nested Tabs widget
* Fixed: Display Conditions - ACF conditions were not working inside Loop Grid widget on archive pages
* Fixed: Woo Products - Select Tags option was suggesting product categories instead of the product tags

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro v2.10.4 NULLED

== 2.10.4 ==
Release date: November 28, 2023

* Enhancement: Info List - Link type Box option now also links the Info List icon
* Enhancement: Buttons - Updated Buttons Spacing option to add row spacing when button stack
* Enhancement: Logo Carousel - Added option to show or hide logo title
* Enhancement: Logo Grid - Added option to show or hide logo title
* Enhancement: Logo Grid - Repeater items now show logo title instead of Logo Image text
* Fixed: Video Gallery - Videos overlap...

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro 2.10.11 NULLED

== 2.10.11 ==
Release date:
* Enhancement: Video - Added dynamic tags support for Start Time and End Time options
* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added dynamic tags support for Start Time and End Time options
* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Some of the controls were not working
* Fixed: Image Gallery - Link Icon option
* Fixed: Image Slider - Align Arrows option
* Fixed: Categories - List Icon color option was not working for SVG icons
* Fixed: Table of Contents - JS error when widget is...

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Pro for Elementor 2.10.12 NULLED

== 2.10.12 ==
Release date: March 13, 2024

* Enhancement: Dual Heading - Added Text Stroke option
* Enhancement: Fancy Heading - Added Text Stroke option
* Enhancement: Info Box - Added Text Stroke option for Title and Subtitle
* Enhancement: Info Grid & Carousel - Added Text Stroke option for Title and Subtitle
* Enhancement: Info Grid & Carousel - Added Text Shadow option for Title and Subtitle
* Enhancement: Icon List - Added Adjust Vertical Position option
* Enhancement...

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro 2.10.14 NULLED

== 2.10.14 ==
Release date: March 29, 2024

* Enhancement: Woo Product Images - Added Image Resolution option to change image size
* Enhancement: Woo Product Images - Added Image Resolution option to change thumbnail image size
* Enhancement: Woo Product Images - Added Image Resolution option to change lightbox image size
* Fixed: Info Box - Icon hover Border Color option was not working
* Fixed: Fluent Forms - Submit button alignment was not working
* Fixed: Fluent Forms - Option to...

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raz0r updated PowerPack Elements Pro with a new update entry:

PowerPack Elements Pro 2.10.17 NULLED

== 2.10.17 ==
Release date: May 1, 2024

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added Text Shadow option for post title
* Enhancement: Tiled Posts - Added Text Shadow option for post title
* Enhancement: Magazine Slider - Added Text Shadow option for post title
* Fixed: Table of Contents - Collapsable option issue with other widgets
* Development: Display Conditions - Added ppe_os_display_condition_options and ppe_os_display_condition_check filters to provide option to users for adding more...

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