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iCagenda Pro

iCagenda Pro 3.9.6


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

iCagenda Pro - Events Management Extension for Joomla!

View attachment 2962

Events Management extension with a calendar module. Cross-plaform J3 / J4. Available in more 40 languages, iCagenda has a responsive and flexible design, with a theme pack installer inside.
  • Period events (start and end date and selection of weekdays) and/or single dates and time
  • Contact information (email, phone, address, venue...)
  • Frontend Search Filters
  • Frontend submission form
  • Registration to events with options
  • Event...

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raz0r updated iCagenda Pro with a new update entry:

iCagenda Pro v3.8.10

iCagenda 3.8.10 (2022.11.08)
~Changed : Improve Approval system.
~Changed : Notification to the creator of an event in frontend, when this event is approved on admin side (same as approval in frontend).
#[LOW][J3] Fixed : Features storing on new event creation left empty.
#[LOW][THEME] Fixed : Wrong image variable in event details view (default theme)

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raz0r 's signature
raz0r updated iCagenda Pro with a new update entry:

iCagenda Pro v3.8.21

iCagenda 3.8.21 (2023.11.02)
Changed: Improve alias generation on save as a copy (events and categories).
  • #[LOW] Fixed : Registration validation, reverts the empty value for custom_fields.
  • #[LOW] Fixed : null hits on new event.
  • #[LOW] Fixed : Wrong element id (checking for com_icagenda instead of pkg_icagenda) for updater notification.
  • #[LOW] Fixed : Missing time for created/modified form fields in registration edition form.
  • #[LOW][PHP8.2] Fixed ...

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Maturity Stable
Released on Monday, 17 June 2024 17:34

Announcement : Joomla 3.10 as minimum version required. PHP 8.0+ recommended (minimum 7.2).
Install/Update on Joomla 3 / Joomla 4 / Joomla 5

Release Notes :
+ Added: Option to display Language form field in frontend Submit an Event form (disabled by default).
+ Added: The possibility of a translatable category label (eg. using a custom language string override).
+ Added: Set control for new pro update serveur.
+ [J4] Added: Label class for registration Dates form field.
~ Changed: Remove obsolete Update Site (new joomlic update site serveur since 3.9.4).
# [LOW] Fixed: Form field class for language option in admin event edit.
# [LOW][J4/J5] Fixed: Back link routing after event edition in frontend.
# [LOW][J4/J5][PRO] Fixed: Return page if language is changed after event edition.
# [LOW][PLUGIN][PRO] Fixed: Description specialchars in PayPal script.

Changed files in 3.9.4
~ pkg_icagenda.xml
~ script.icagenda.php
~ com_icagenda/script.com_icagenda.php
~ com_icagenda/admin/config.xml
~ com_icagenda/admin/models/forms/event.xml
~ com_icagenda/admin/src/Utilities/Event/Event.php
~ com_icagenda/admin/src/Utilities/Field/Icagenda/CategorySelectField.php
~ com_icagenda/admin/src/Utilities/Field/Icagenda/FilterCategoriesField.php
~ com_icagenda/admin/src/Utilities/Field/Icagenda/RegistrationDatesField.php
~ com_icagenda/admin/tmpl/events/default.php
~ com_icagenda/admin/utilities/field/categoryselect.php
~ com_icagenda/admin/utilities/field/filtercategories.php
~ com_icagenda/admin/views/events/tmpl/default.php
~ com_icagenda/site/add/elements/icevent_vars.php
~ com_icagenda/site/add/elements/iclist_vars.php
~ com_icagenda/site/models/submit.php
~ com_icagenda/site/models/forms/submit.xml
~ com_icagenda/site/src/Assets/EventShortcuts.php
~ com_icagenda/site/src/Assets/ListShortcuts.php
~ com_icagenda/site/src/Model/SubmitModel.php
~ com_icagenda/site/src/View/Submit/HtmlView.php
~ com_icagenda/site/tmpl/events/default_categories.php
~ com_icagenda/site/tmpl/events/default_filters.php
~ com_icagenda/site/tmpl/submit/default.xml
~ com_icagenda/site/views/list/tmpl/default_categories.php
~ com_icagenda/site/views/list/tmpl/default_filters.php
~ com_icagenda/site/views/submit/tmpl/default.xml
~ [FILE][PRO] file_icagenda-pro/site/src/Controller/EventController.php
~ [FILE][PRO] file_icagenda-pro/site/tmpl/manager/event_edit.php
~ [PLUGIN][PRO] plg_icagenda_payment_paypal-pro/payment_paypal.php
~ [PLUGIN][PRO] plg_icagenda_payment_paypal-pro/src/Extension/Payment_Paypal.php
~ [PLUGIN] plg_installer_icagenda/icagenda.php
~ [PLUGIN] plg_installer_icagenda/src/Extension/Icagenda.php


  • icagenda_3-9-4-package-pro.zip
    2.6 MB · Views: 10

iCagenda PRO​

Released on: Tuesday, 18 June 2024 15:14

Release Notes :
# [LOW][J3] Fixed: Class "Text" not found if frontend filter "Category" is enabled.

Changed Files in
~ com_icagenda/site/views/list/tmpl/default_filters.php


  • icagenda-3-9-4-1-package-pro.zip
    2.6 MB · Views: 22
raz0r 's signature