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DashLite - React Admin Dashboard Template

DashLite - React Admin Dashboard Template 1.7.1


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

DashLite - React Admin Dashboard Template - React Admin Dashboard Template (Themeforest Item ID: 34797909)

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DashLite – React Admin Dashboard Template​

Softnio is introducing a powerful React based admin dashboard template, built primarily for the ease of developers and programmers. DashLite React comes with all kinds of tools and components that are necessary for the development of any application. The template includes many pre-built pages, built in components and exclusive E-Commerce conceptual apps, all of which is going...

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raz0r updated DashLite - React Admin Dashboard Template with a new update entry:

DashLite v1.5.0 - React Admin Dashboard Template

v1.5.0 – 13 Jan, 2023

@We have migrated Bootstrap v4+ to v5+ completely and this major breaking change.

Migrate: Change markup and utility classes according to migration guide form Bootstrap Docs .
Migrate: Updated depreciated props with new props for ReactStrap 9 Upgrading Guide
Updated: Badge Markup normal with Badge Component
Updated: Style update and issue fix for FullCalendar.
Updated: Issue fixed and updated dark mode style.

//// Breaking Changes ////
This is one of major and...

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