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CheckoutWC 9.1.1 NULLED


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

CheckoutWC - Beautiful, conversion optimized checkout templates for WooCommerce

View attachment 874

The Shopify killer for WooCommerce stores.​

CheckoutWC NULLED is a plugin for WooCommerce that aligns the best features of Shopify with the best features of WooCommerce. Enhance your cart and checkout and grow your profits.

Simplified Checkout Process​

CheckoutWC breaks the checkout process up into three discrete steps that keep users focused on one domain...

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raz0r updated CheckoutWC with a new update entry:

CheckoutWC v7.6.2 NULLED

Version 7.6.2 - 2022.09.22
  • New - Added Turkish translations (tr_TR)
  • Improved - Added woocommerce_cart_actions to side cart for better support for other plugins.
  • Fix - Fix bug with local pickup feature and non-shipped products
  • Fix - Fix empty cart redirect setting.
  • Fix - Fix bug that caused pickup feature to run when not on a CFW page (checkout mainly)
  • Fix - Fix bug that caused new installs to get the wrong default setting for hiding optional fields. Should...

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raz0r updated CheckoutWC with a new update entry:

CheckoutWC v7.9.0 NULLED

Version 7.9.0 - 2023.02.18
  • Improved - Switched from wc-ajax=update_checkout to wc-ajax=update_order_review - this aligns our AJAX refresh with core's and handles edge cases where plugins look at the URL to determine the type of request happening (generally an anti-pattern). It also works properly when CheckoutWC is bypassed or disabled.
  • Fix - Smarty address validation now works with the One Page Checkout option
  • Fix - Fix issue where temporary alerts weren't cleared on...

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raz0r updated CheckoutWC with a new update entry:

CheckoutWC v7.10.3 NULLED

Version 7.10.3 - 2023.03.23
  • Improved - Add button stylings for WP Swings RMA / Refund plugin
  • Fix - Fix edgewise where plugins enqueue select2 instead of selectWoo
  • Fix - Add protection against duplicated "(optional)" appendix to field labels
  • Fix - Show the address line 2 field after Fetchify fills in the address.
  • Fix - Fix buy now button redirect issue with 'Direct checkout, Add to cart redirect, Quick purchase button, Buy now button, Quick View button for...

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raz0r updated CheckoutWC with a new update entry:

CheckoutWC v8.0.4 NULLED

Version 8.0.4 - 2023.05.11
  • Fix - Fix issues with payment gateway accordion not being styled or animating properly. We reverted to using JavaScript for these animations. (Oh well!)
  • Fix - Fixed text getting clipped in the shipping address preview pane
  • Fix - Fixed PHP warning happening on every page load
  • Improved - Fragment updates now leverage requestAnimationFrame which significantly cuts down on repaints and layout shifts.
  • Improved - Loading shimmers are faster...

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raz0r updated CheckoutWC with a new update entry:

CheckoutWC v8.1.6 NULLED

Version 8.1.6 - 2023.06.06
  • New - Added per email option to enable WooCommerce email template for Abandoned Cart Recovery emails.
  • Improved - Added location and type columns to Order Bumps admin table view
  • Fix - Order bumps are now excluded from coupon codes to prevent unintended discounts.
  • Fix - Excluded coupon/promo field on checkout from stored in field persistence cache
  • Fix - Fix cart displaying below order pay form on mobile
  • Fix - Fix CSS bugs with...

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raz0r updated CheckoutWC with a new update entry:

CheckoutWC v8.1.10 NULLED

Version 8.1.10 - 2023.06.12
  • Fix - Fix bug that caused shipping method to be set when variations are added to the cart or cart is edited which prevented WooCommerce from changing the shipping method.
  • Fix - Trigger click on payment method input to ensure that gateways looking for click event work. In this case: Payment Plugins PayPal gateway.
  • Fix - Our hacky workaround to save CC fields for Payment Plugins Stripe and Braintree only worked on first refresh. Made it less...

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raz0r updated CheckoutWC with a new update entry:

CheckoutWC v8.2.3 NULLED

Version 8.2.3 - 2023.07.31
  • Fix - Fix WPML translation config for ACR emails
  • Fix - Fix bug that limited the number of pickup locations that could show
  • Fix - Fix fatal error with store policies admin page
  • Dev - Add cfw_fetchify_search_placeholder filter though it doesn’t seem to work. Hopefully we can get this working in the future.

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