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BricksUltimate 1.6.12 NULLED


Staff member
raz0r updated BricksUltimate with a new update entry:

BricksUltimate v1.0.6 NULLED

### 1.0.6 - 2022-09-03
* Bug Fixed - PHP errors in Flex Gallery element(due to Bricks 1.5.1)
* Bug Fixed - CSS issue in Animated Burger(due to Bricks 1.5.1)
* Bug Fixed - Quantity element(min cart element) is conflicting with 3rd party woocommerce plugin
* Bug Fixed - Cart item price(min cart element) is not working with 3rd party woocommerce plugin
* BricksUltimate is compatible with Bricks 1.5.1 RC version
* New Element: Free Shipping Notice

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raz0r updated BricksUltimate with a new update entry:

BricksUltimate v1.0.18 NULLED

= 1.0.18 - 2022-12-07 =
* [Item Quantity Element] - Added Font Size option for quantity input field.
* New dynamic tag - Permalink({post_permalink}). It is required when you are using the Custom WP Query
* New dynamic tag - Post Title({bu_post_title}). It is required when you are using the Custom WP Query
* Added the quantity text field for mobile devices

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raz0r updated BricksUltimate with a new update entry:

BricksUltimate v1.1 NULLED

= 1.1 - 2022-02-23 =
* Fixed - Style of Strikethrough price is not working.
* Fixed - Flashing issue in the Off-Canvas element.
* Fixed - Off-canvas cart was closing after clicking on the add to cart button.
* Improved the Add To Cart element.
* Add To Cart element is compatible with the AJAX action of Bricks 1.6.1
* Integrated AJAX action with the native bricks popup builder. You will get the AJAX Popup controls under the Style tab of the Button, DIV, Icon and SVG elements.

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New Update:

Released 1.4.6 on 17th October, 2023

* Hot fix – PHP warnings.
* Added some new element conditions for terms.
Guys, check who has the latest version running
I'm having a fatal error...:(