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PayPlans Pro

PayPlans Pro 5.0.6

PayPlans Changelog For Version 5.0.6

  • Duplicate user registered stream item no longer show in EasySocial
  • Applying discount coupon with multiple clicks is no longer possible
  • Groups now show correctly in Mailster app configuration
  • The cheque number input field now show on the checkout page correctly when only one offline payment method is configured to show
  • Input field for mailing list in Acymailing app configuration now shows correctly
  • Plan price saving now works properly when the value contains a comma and the site is using PHP 8
  • JReview app input field for category list now shows correctly
  • Addressed an issue with user account activation when PayPlans registration is integrated with EasySocial
  • JEvent app input field for categories now shows correctly
  • Fixed undefined variable issue on EasySocial Group Submission app configuration page
  • The purchase popup script now renders on the page only if the page document is HTML type to prevent conflicts with other extensions
  • EasySocial Group submission app now works correctly
  • Proper error message now shows when card update fails in stripe payment method
  • Plan description now shows correctly in front-end plan page
  • Loadmodule content now shows correctly in group description on front-end plan page
  • Addressed an issue in Mosets tree app with regards to specific category restriction
  • Addressed an issue in K2 Item restriction app where items are restricted incorrectly
  • Addressed an integration issue with Jomsocial profile app
  • File upload restriction in the Phoca download app now works properly
  • Addressed an issue in SobiPro app with regards to specific category restriction
  • Added an ability allow admin to exclude certain plans when exporting PDF invoice
  • Added an ability to allow admin to add dynamic plan content and configure access rules for specific elements in YOOtheme builder
  • Added option in built-in registration to respect Joomla's strong password validation during registration

PayPlans Changelog For Version 5.0.5

  • Subscription status value now shows correctly when exporting subscription data
  • When exporting subscription data, subscription plan title is now included
  • Cart Abandonment email will not be sent to users when they already subscribed on the site
  • Sender email is now properly included when contact form is submitted
  • Removed unnecessary line on the checkout page
  • Loadmodule code now renders fine in plan description field
  • Error no longer occurs when PayPlans system plugin is triggered in CLI environment
  • Addressed an issue related to saving EasySocial group in PayPlans EasySocial Group app
  • User registration stream item now shows properly on EasySocial timeline when the user subscribes to a plan
  • Addressed an issue with the maintenance script that renames dynamic modifier
  • Currency display location setting is now respected by plan price variation under upgrade popup
  • Addressed an issue related to saving billing details on dummy user when EU Vat app is being used
  • Users can now create marketplace items again after the user deletes an item which reduces the count limit
  • Email notification rule template file is no longer deleted during installation
  • CURL response no longer show 403 forbidden error during PayPal POST data verification
  • Remita payment method now properly shows in new payment method list