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FiboSearch - AJAX Search for WooCommerce (Pro)

FiboSearch - AJAX Search for WooCommerce (Pro) 1.29.0 NULLED

= 1.23.0, April 05, 2023 =
* ADDED: Integration with “Blocksy” theme
* ADDED: Integration with “Qwery” theme
* ADDED: Integration with “StoreBiz” theme
* ADDED: Allows the `Shop manager` role to manage the plugin settings by adding a constant to the `wp.config.php` file
* ADDED: Allows creating HTML templates instead of displaying simple “No results” message
* ADDED: Ability to search using “Greeklish” for Greek
* ADDED: Fuzzy search, synonyms, and other pro features available in searching for taxonomy terms.
* IMPROVED: Blocks calculating score if the phrase contains a single character
* FIXED: More accurate calculation of the order of products in search results. The extra score for an exact match of a sequence of words
* FIXED: Storefront theme - not working focus event while using a mobile overlay for iPhone devices
* FIXED: Mobile overlay on iPhone devices - didn't hide search results on a scroll event or after clicking the “done” button
* FIXED: iPhone devices - annoying auto zoom in search input on focus
* FIXED: Search icon mode and search history - a search bar was needlessly concealed on clicking the “Clear” button
* FIXED: Freemius SDK - added submenu slug
* FIXED: Flatsome theme - detecting incompatible settings and disappearing search form on hover
* FIXED: Layout option - hidden triangle icon when a layout is “icon” and style is “Pirx”
* FIXED: Unnecessary AJAX query on the settings page
* FIXED: Disabling the search cache using a PHP constant didn't completely disable it. Now it disables it completely
* FIXED: `Table doesn't exist` error during index building in some rare cases
* FIXED: Incorrect product links in search results with the “Permalink Manager for WooCommerce” plugin active
* FIXED: TranslatePress and qTranslate-XT - untranslated breadcrumbs in category results
* TWEAK: Replacing empty href tag with `#` in Storefront integration because of SEO
* TWEAK: Trivial CSS changes
* TWEAK: Ability to disable the mutex mechanism during indexing
* TWEAK: Multilingual - supporting language codes up to 10 characters
* UPDATED: Freemius SDK to v2.5.6
* UPDATED: Polish translation
* REFACTOR: Forcing mobile overlay breakpoint and in layout breakpoint in theme integrations
* REFACTOR: Variables names in the method `Helpers::calcScore()`
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Reactions: tatar221 and blaker
= 1.21.1, January 28, 2023 =
* FIX: Some prices were not aligned properly

= 1.22.0, January 27, 2023 =
* ADD: New feature - Search history. The current search history is presented when the user clicked/taped on the search bar, but hasn't yet typed the query.
* ADD: FiboSearch Analytics - New widget in WordPress Dashboard with critical searches without result
* ADD: Integration with Essentials theme
* ADD: Make UI_FIXER object as global object
* ADD: Ability to search for vendors by description and city
* ADD: Ability to exclude critical phrases in the Analytics module
* ADD: Custom JavaScript events during the search process
* ADD: Ability to export search analytics data as CSV files
* FIX: Integration with Flatsome theme - focus event didn't work with a search bar
* FIX: Integration with WooCommerce Product Filter by WooBeWoo - “Undefined array key 'query'” notice
* FIX: Integration with Jet Smart Menu - repair duplicated search bars IDs
* FIX: Integration with Astra theme - support for version 4.0.0
* FIX: Integration with Astra theme - cannot change the number of products on the cart page
* FIX: Integration with XStore theme - support for search icon in mobile panel
* FIX: Compatibility with PHP 8.1
* FIX: RWD for FiboSearch Settings views including Analytics views
* FIX: Search bar CSS, especially when Pirx style and Voice Search work together
* FIX: A user with permission to edit plugin settings cannot see search analytics
* FIX: Pages can not be searched when the database prefix is empty
* FIX: Improved compatibility with other plugins on the search results page
* FIX: Broken index when there are many variants. Speed up getting variants when building an index
* CHANGE: Updated French translation
* CHANGE: Hide the Voice Search icon when a user starts typing
* CHANGE: Updated Freemius SDK to v2.5.3
* CHANGE: Remove information that Analytics is a beta feature
* CHANGE: Remove information that Darkened Background is a beta feature
* CHANGE: Set "Pirx" as a default search bar style
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Reactions: tatar221
= 1.21.1, November 24, 2022 =
* FIX: Multisite: search does not work when the plugin is activated on a network-wide level
* FIX: Rare database error “Duplicate entry...” error when building search index
= 1.20.2, September 18, 2022 =
* FIX: Resignation from the WP Cache in favor of a new own object cache solution that uses non-persistent mode. Some WP Cache based solutions caused complications with indexing or searching
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Reactions: tatar221