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YITH WooCommerce Affiliates Premium

YITH WooCommerce Affiliates Premium 2.15.0 NULLED


Take advantage of affiliate users and influencers to drive traffic to your shop and get visibility, attract new customers and increase sales.​

An affiliate program is a partnership between a company and an affiliate, who through online posting (on a blog, on social profiles, etc.) drives traffic (that is, potential customers) to the target company e-commerce site and earns a commission on the generated sales.

Affiliate marketing can be a great source of income for any shop and actually, more than 80% of the online companies offer an affiliate program to their users, from the smallest and niche e-commerce stores to the biggest ones like Amazon, AliExpress, Zalando and Airbnb. According to the Business Insider reports, affiliations drive 25% of a store’s traffic and 15-38% of the sales made. These are very high numbers that are set to grow in the next year thanks to the “influencers” phenomenon that is taking hold as an online advertising system.

With YITH WooCommerce Affiliate you can save on the advertising costs (where you are supposed to pay per click even if no sales are generated) and quickly launch an affiliate program in your shop: with just one plugin you get leads, traffic and sales through targeted partnerships with influencers and bloggers that embody your typical customer.
2.15.0 NULLEDVersion
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  1. YITH WooCommerce Affiliates Premium v2.15.0 NULLED

    2.15.0 - Released on 12 June 2023 New: support for WooCommerce 7.8 Update: YITH plugin...
  2. YITH WooCommerce Affiliates Premium v2.12.0 NULLED

    2.12.0 - Released on 13 March 2023 New: support for WordPress 6.2 New: support for WooCommerce...

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