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YITH FAQ for WordPress & WooCommerce Premium

YITH FAQ for WordPress & WooCommerce Premium 2.15.0 NULLED

YITH FAQ for WordPress & WooCommerce Premium.jpg

Set up an FAQ system to quickly answer your customers’ frequent questions​

It’s a well-known issue: online buyers have to deal with the fact that they cannot ask for help from a person face to face. “Is this bag large enough for my laptop?”, “What if I buy the wrong size? Can I return the product?”, “Does your shop ship to my home country? And how much does it cost?”, “Is this product cruelty-free? I don’t want to buy products that have been tested on animals!”

These and many more doubts are a real sales hindrance: according to some statistics, 35% of users choose to not buy products they are interested in if they cannot find a quick answer to their questions on the e-commerce site.

With YITH FAQ for WordPress & WooCommerce Premium NULLED you can set up an FAQ system that has a double advantage: on the one hand, you can create an FAQ page to answer all the frequent questions about your shop (e.g. shipping, payments, policies, returns, refunds, and so on) and on the other hand, you can create an FAQ section for every product page to target specific questions about your products (e.g. sizes, fabric, dimensions, laundry guide, and so on).
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2.15.0 NULLEDVersion
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