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XforWooCommerce 2.1.0 - 02/07/2024 Released​

We're working on plugins security and fixing bugs as usual. Thanks for your support!

Product Filter 9.0.3​

  • Fixed search filter appearance and replaced icon

Product Badges 5.1.0​

  • Completly reworked the plugin, so that it can be much useful. When updating check your installation options. Check the Product Badges Integration documentation for more information. Also there you can learn about the new options in the Badge Manager
  • Added "Addon badges" controls
  • Added primary badge
  • Added image badges size
  • Fixed include badges problems
  • Deprecated default badge
  • Deprecated shortcode
  • Deprecated product page options tab
  • Added complete plugin guide to the XforWoo Docs Website website

PDF, Share and Print 2.0.3​

  • Fixed missing classes on buttons which made plugin not to work properly

XforWooCommerce 2.1.0​

  • Reduced $_REQUEST variables across the code for better security
  • Fixed SVX get_option and return default properly if options don't exist
This release is tested on WordPress 6.4.3, WooCommerce 8.5.2 and XforWooCommerce 2.1.0 using VestaCP NGINX, PHP 8.2.12.