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WPFunnels Pro - Drag & Drop Sales Funnel Builder WordPress and ADDONS

WPFunnels Pro - Drag & Drop Sales Funnel Builder WordPress and ADDONS 2.4.0 NULLED

WPFunnels Pro 2.4.023 September, 2024​


Basic analytics for automation workflows in the funnel canvas


Step duplication on the funnel canvas


New triggers to support conditional actions in automation workflows
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Reactions: edgars221289

WPFunnels Pro 1.9.16 - 7 December, 2023​


Resolved subscription variation selection issue in checkout

WPFunnels Pro 1.9.83 October, 2023​


Added a new section in license page

WPFunnels Pro 1.9.624 August, 2023​


Resolved mail-sending issue via Mail Mint
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Reactions: edgars221289