• The default language of any content posted is English.
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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wpDiscuz Premium Extensions Bundle

wpDiscuz Premium Extensions Bundle 7.6.22 NULLED

Comments – wpDiscuz v7.6.22 – 24.07.2024​

  • Added: A new hook “wpdiscuz_generate_thumbnails_check” to disable thumbnails generation cron
  • Added: A new JS event on comment post “wpdiscuz_comment_posted”
  • Fixed: Filtering buttons now visible if there is at least one comment
  • Fixed: Security issue, if reach editor and quick tags are disabled clean all HTML from comment content

Comments – wpDiscuz v7.6.21 – 06.07.2024​

  • Fixed: Regenerate comment attachments metadata via WP Cron

Comments – wpDiscuz v7.6.19 – 08.05.2024​

  • Fixed: Issue with date difference logic
  • Fixed: Vulnerability in the shortcode [wpdiscuz-feedback]
  • Fixed: Deprecated function call “bp_core_get_user_domain”

Comments – wpDiscuz v7.6.17 – 03.04.2024​

  • Fixed: An issue on post meta update
  • Fixed: An issue with tinymce – Failed to initialize plugin: wpDiscuz ReferenceError: wpdObject is not defined

COMMENTS – WPDISCUZ V7.6.15 – 03.02.2024​

  • Added: Inline Comment integration to Elementor rich editor
  • Added: wpDiscuz comments in Elementor builder
  • Added: [wpdiscuz_comments] shortcode
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon

COMMENTS – WPDISCUZ V7.6.13 – 16.11.2023​

  • Fixed: Undefined array keys on PHP8
  • Fixed: vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Like
Reactions: ebola

COMMENTS – WPDISCUZ V7.6.12 – 31.10.2023​

  • Fixed: Readable Unicode URLs
  • Fixed: XSS Vulnerability on file upload
  • Fixed: Vulnerable endpoint
  • Fixed: Links are not crawlable (Google Pagespeed)
  • Like
Reactions: GhRG87FGH

COMMENTS – WPDISCUZ V7.6.11 – 19.10.2023​

  • Updated: Subscriptions/Follows confirmation and cancellation emails logic
  • Fixed: Comment to trashed post (Vulnerability)
  • Fixed: Issue with the Default Avatar Source option
  • Fixed: Security issue (Variables and options must be escaped when echo’d)
  • Fixed: Conflict with “Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect”
  • Fixed: Conflict with BuddyPress mentioning
  • Like
Reactions: GhRG87FGH

COMMENTS – WPDISCUZ V7.6.7 – 17.09.2023​

  • Fixed: Nonces timeout

Please don’t forget delete all caches and purge CDN after the update.