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WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress

WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress 7.9 NULLED

2024-08-21 - version 7.9
- New: Ability to copy AI-generated content anywhere
- New: The element window features the most used elements
- New: A new color picker has been added to replace the existing one
- New: Ability to define the preset color for the color picker in the WPBakery settings
- New: Ability to disable "scroll-to-element" after adding in the Module manager
- New: Define the height value for the row and section elements
- Fix: ACF element works properly in templates
- Fix: AI-generated code is being inserted properly without any additional spaces
- Fix: Slug adjustment works properly
- Fix: Post grids are working properly in the layout with videos
- Fix: Image gallery elements work properly and do not trigger errors
- Fix: Element window timeout has been decreased
- Fix: Grid Builder works properly with "scroll-to-element"
- Fix: Grid Builder works properly with user roles
2024-07-22 - version 7.8
- New: WPBakery AI credit usage data is available in the Settings and the AI window
- New: Script loading is optimized based on the usage
- Update: The editor access buttons are located properly
- Update: The error handling is updated with more information available
- Fix: Content publishing and reloading redirects work properly
- Fix: Security update for additional control over the user role access rights
- Fix: Element edit window reacts to user actions (clicks) properly
- Fix: The image carousel element has a correct placeholder image
- Fix: The FAQ element toggles work properly
- Fix: The editor works properly with PHP 8.2
- Fix: Auto-update works properly with the TinyMCE text mode
- Fix: WPBakery AI-generated code is added properly
- Fix: Height mode in custom grid templates is working properly
- Fix: The notification badge for the Settings works properly
- Fix: Call to action element has proper margin-top
- Fix: The AI icon is positioned properly
- Fix: The notification popup works properly for all user roles
- Fix: The editor works properly with product variations
2024-06-19 - version 7.7.2
- Fix: Element save works properly on all environments
2024-06-12 - version 7.7.1
- Fix: Column alignment works properly
2024-06-10 - version 7.7
- New: WPBakery AI is available in the WordPress Classic editor
- New: Module control added to disable module loading and improve the performance
- New: Helper icons added to remove descriptions and improve the user interface
- New: Element edit window caching added to improve the performance
- Fix: Shortcode Mapper works properly
- Fix: Editor works properly in Safari
- Fix: WPBakery works properly with Ninja Forms
- Fix: Grid popups in the Frontend editor work properly
- Fix: Background video for rows can be removed
- Fix: Nested elements have proper control colors in the user interface
- Fix: No title does not create extra space
- Fix: Color box controls work properly
- Fix: Styles from the design options are being applied properly
- Fix: WPBakery improved against XSS vulnerabilities
2024-04-10 - version 7.6
- New: Design Option displayed default values as placeholders for better UX.
- New: Element edit happens automatically without saving and can be reverted with Undo.
- Fix: WP admin notifications work properly and can be disabled.
- Fix: Security improvements for the plugin.
- Fix: Masonry media grid element works properly in Firefox.
2024-02-21 - version 7.5
- New: Editor scrolls to elements as they are added to the page
- Update: Links from the editor to resources are updated
- Fix: Masonry media grid works properly
- Fix: Editor controls are displayed properly for containers
- Fix: Nested shortcode element containers work properly
- Fix: Column controls work properly
- Fix: Prettyphoto works properly with modified grid templates
- Fix: Call to Action button positions text properly
- Fix: Hoverbox element works properly in Safari
17.01.2024 – ver 7.4
  • New: An in-built SEO toolkit to analyze keywords.
  • New: An in-built SEO toolkit to control Google snippet display.
  • New: An in-built content analysis tools for higher quality content and SEO rankings.
  • New: An in-built tool to control social media snippet display.
  • Update: WPBakery AI option is available for the new SEO toolkit.
2023-12-06 - version 7.3
- New: Introduction popup added to inform about the new features of WPBakery
- Update: Structure and links updated in FAQ to reflect the changes in the knowledge base
- Update: License activation process improved after plugin installation and update