• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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Wordfence Security Premium

Wordfence Security Premium 7.11.7 NULLED

7.11.7 – July 29, 2024​

  • Improvement: Optimized scan performance by reducing database queries by approximately 38% along with CPU usage
  • Fix: Added translation support for “Page not found” string when viewing recent traffic

7.11.5 — April 3, 2024​

  • Fix: Revised the behavior of the reCAPTCHA verification to use the documented expiration period of the token and response to avoid sending verification requests too frequently, which could artificially lower scores in some circumstances
  • Fix: Addressed PHP 8 deprecation notices in the file differ used by file changed scan results
  • Fix: Reduced the frequency of Wordfence Central status update callbacks in sections of the scan that occur quickly in sequence

7.11.4 – March 11, 2024​

  • Change: CAPTCHA verification when enabled now additionally applies to 2FA logins (may send an email verification on low scores) and no longer reveals whether a user exists for the submitted account credentials (credit: Raxis)
  • Fix: Addressed a potential PHP 8 notice in the human/bot detection AJAX call
  • Fix: Addressed a potential PHP 8 notice when requesting a lockout unlock verification email
  • Fix: Fixed the emailed diagnostics view not showing the missing table information when applicable
  • Fix: Improved quick scan logic to base timing on regular scans so they’re more evenly distributed

7.11.3 – FEBRUARY 15, 2024​

  • Fix: Fixed an issue with sites containing invalid Wordfence Central site data where they could throw an error when viewing Wordfence pages

7.11.2 – FEBRUARY 14, 2024​

  • Improvement: Enhanced the vulnerability scan to check and alert for WordPress core vulnerabilities and to adjust the severity of the scan result based on findings or available updates
  • Improvement: Updated the bundled GeoIP database
  • Improvement: Increased compatibility of brute force protection with plugins that override the normal login flow and omit traditional hooks
  • Change: Adjusted the behavior of automatic quick scans to schedule themselves further away from full scans
  • Fix: Added detection for a site being linked to a non-matching Wordfence Central record (e.g., when cloning the database to a staging site)
  • Fix: Streamlined the license and terms of use installation flow to avoid unnecessary prompting
  • Fix: Fixed an issue where user profiles with a selected locale different from the site itself could end up loading the site’s locale instead

7.11.0 – NOVEMBER 28, 2023​

  • Improvement: Added new functionality for trusted proxy presets to support proxies such as Amazon CloudFront, Ezoic, and Quic.cloud
  • Improvement: WAF rule and malware signature updates are now signed with SHA-256 as well for hosts that no longer build SHA1 support
  • Improvement: Updated the bundled trusted CA certificates
  • Change: The WAF will no longer attempt to fetch rule or blocklist updates when run via WP-CLI
  • Fix: Removed uses of SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, which is deprecated as of MySQL 8.0.17
  • Fix: Fixed an issue where final scan summary counts in some instances were not sent to Central
  • Fix: Fixed a deprecation notice for get_class in PHP 8.3.0
  • Fix: Corrected an output error in the connectivity section of Diagnostics in text mode

7.10.7 – NOVEMBER 6, 2023​

  • Fix: Compatibility fix for WordPress 6.4 on the login page styling

7.10.6 – OCTOBER 30, 2023​

  • Fix: Addressed an issue with multisite installations when the wp_options tables had different encodings/collations

7.10.5 – OCTOBER 23, 2023​

  • Improvement: Updated the bundled GeoIP database
  • Improvement: Added detection for Cloudflare reverse proxies blocking callbacks to the site
  • Change: Files are no longer excluded from future scans if a previous scan stopped during their processing
  • Fix: Added handling for the pending WordPress 6.4 change that removes $wpdb->use_mysqli
  • Fix: The WAF MySQLi storage engine will now work correctly when either DB_COLLATE or DB_CHARSET are not defined
  • Fix: Added additional error handling to Central calls to better handle request failures or conflicts
  • Fix: Addressed a warning that would occur if a non-repo plugin update hook did not provide a last updated date
  • Fix: Fixed an error in PHP 8 that could occur if the time correction offset was not numeric
  • Fix: 2FA AJAX calls now use an absolute path rather than a full URL to avoid CORS issues on sites that do not canonicalize www and non-www requests
  • Fix: Addressed a race condition where multiple concurrent hits on multisite could trigger overlapping role sync tasks
  • Fix: Improved performance when viewing the user list on large multisites
  • Fix: Fixed a UI bug where an invalid code on 2FA activation would leave the activate button disabled
  • Fix: Reverted a change on error modals to bring back the additional close button for better accessibility