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WooCommerce Ultimate Points And Rewards - Product Purchase Points, Referral Point, Coupon Generation

WooCommerce Ultimate Points And Rewards - Product Purchase Points, Referral Point, Coupon Generation 2.7.0 NULLED

07.11.2023: Ver 2.7.0
New: Compatible with Subscription For WooCommerce plugin
New: Compatible with latest WP(6.3.2) & WC(8.2.1)
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
18.09.2023: Ver 2.6.0
New: Compatible with HPOS
New: Compatible with latest WP( 6.3.1 ) & WP( 8.1.1 )
Fix: Purchase through points issues
Fix: Cart page discount issues
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
03.2.2023 : Ver 2.2.5
New : Option to Show Points in WP User Table
New : Compatible with WP & WC
Fix : Minor issues
24.11.2022 : Ver 2.2.4
New: Order Rewards Points
Upgrade: Enhance Account page layout
Upgrade: Enhance Cart page notice layout
Fix: Warning in Membership table
New: Compatible with latest WC & WP