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WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator

WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator 3.23.6

2024.08.12 - version 3.23.6
* Fix - Avoid "division by zero" fatal errors when adding some items to cart
* Tweak - The number of decimals used when rounding can now be adjusted using the "wc_measurement_price_calculator_measurement_precision" filter (recommended when dealing with very small values)
* Tweak - Update product data lookup table with correct minimum and maximum prices, this ensures MPC products can be accurately sorted by price
* Fix - Ensure prices are displayed correctly when using these settings: prices entered exclusive of tax, prices displayed including tax
2024.08.02 - version 3.23.5
* Fix - Some area/volume values were appearing as `0.00` incorrectly when the value contained decimals.
* Fix - Correctly restore full measurement quantity upon issuing a refund.
2024.04.22 - version 3.23.2
* Fix - Resolve an issue with variable products and decimal comma separator where the incorrect default empty values would be saved for variations
* Fix - Ensure that pricing calculator products are considered in stock when they have a stock quantity greater than 0 but lower than 1
* Fix - Do not allow user-defined negative input values when accepting free-form customer input
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Reactions: MarkDragon
2023.11.17 - version 3.22.1
* Misc - Add admin notices to help merchants reverting to the cart or checkout shortcodes if the corresponding blocks are used instead