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WooCommerce API Manager

WooCommerce API Manager 3.3.3

2024-08-07 - version 3.3.3
* Fix: Ensure that only one product API key is kept when purchasing a manual renewal
* Fix: Correctly bundle French translation file
* Localization: Fix an issue with the plugin's translations source pot file
2023-09-14 - version 3.1.2
* Fix: Cronjob cleanup of expired API Key activations queried a database column using a misspelled name.
* New: Added if the Homepage is cachable to the WooCommerce > Status > WooCommmerce API Manager status report.
2023-06-04 - version 2.8.1
* Fix: API Key activations not displayed when Product Order API Key hidden in api-keys.php template.
* Fix: Product ID column table header text wrapped when it should not be in the api-keys.php template.
* Fix: Release Date column table header text wrapped when it should not be in the api-downloads.php template.
* Update: Updated templates/myaccount/api-keys.php.
* Update: Updated templates/myaccount/api-downloads.php.php.
* New: Settings page link to API Manager > API Customers submenu.
2023-03-22 - version 2.6.1
* Fix: Typo on API Resources meta box Parent Order link had two # # instead of one #.
2023.03.02 - version 2.5.4
* Update: Refactored templates/emails/api-keys-order-complete.php to place data in a table, and to add more details.
* Update: Refactored templates/emails/plain/api-keys-order-complete.php to add more details.
* Dev: Added woocommerce-api-manager/includes/wcam-time-functions.php - Functions must be called using the plugins_loaded action hook.
* Dev: New action hooks added:
- wc_am_before_order_partially_refunded
- wc_am_after_order_partially_refunded
- wc_am_before_order_fully_refunded
- wc_am_after_order_fully_refunded
- wc_am_before_refund_deleted
- wc_am_after_refund_deleted
- wc_am_before_remove_order
- wc_am_after_remove_order
- wc_am_before_delete_order
- wc_am_after_delete_order
- wc_am_before_delete_order_item
- wc_am_after_delete_order_item
- wc_am_before_delete_sub_order_item
- wc_am_after_delete_sub_order_item
2022.12.05 - version 2.4.8
* Tweak: Delete API Key activations when WooCommerce Subscription transitions to on-hold status.
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